Versus, which is channel 267 on my cable system, has been presenting a one hour show, every afternoon at 4 pm, of the Track and Field World Championships from Osaka, Japan.
Next year at this time the entire country will be watching but right now is a preview of who can run the fastest, jump the furthest and withstand the intense pressure that comes from preforming on a world stage.
A few personalities have emerged.....and Tyson Guy is probably the new golden boy of track and field but of course we have to wait and wonder if he's natural or juiced. Justin Gatlin should have been running but he's facing a two year suspension for steroid use.
When someone emerges as a world champion, we just hold our breath until all the testing has been done. And since Tyson Guy is now the world champion in the 100 and 200...we really hold our collective breath.
But as in baseball I think we should have track meets for people who want to get juiced.
The JTM (Juiced Track Meet) event would prove to be quite interesting. Imagine a runner taking an unlimited amount of steroids for one meet. Times would be staggering. Of course there's always the chance that a runner could explode at the finish line. And while that would be horrible I'm sure it would increase the interest in Track and Field by leaps and bounds.
My guess is that the amount of people watching the Versus coverage, in the United States, of World Championship Track and Field is probably in the thousands and most definitely not in the millions.
A cable channel named Versus can't be widely viewed.
At least NBC will carry some of the meet this weekend.
The lack of interest in Track and Field, other than during the Olympics, seems to a serious lack of interest.
Bernard Lagat is a great story and one that probably won't be widely known until Beijing.
The United States won a International gold medal in the 1500 (formerly known as the Mile) for the first time since 1908. And it took a man from Kenya to pull off the accomplishment. From what I can tell, from the limited stories...he's been in this country for quite a long time...having attended College somewhere in the Pacific Northwest....I think. Seems like an Oregon story but then again I haven't done a ton of investigation yet so I'm not really sure....and I happen to somewhat care about the sport.
One hour programs on Versus don't really have time to give us all the bells and whistles.
One thing that has jumped out in this meet.
The "Chicks" are hot. I'm stunned by how many times they showed the babes getting ready for an event and I've heard myself say...."she's hot."
If I say it one time during a track meet it's a big thing.....I'm not kidding when I say that I've said "she's hot" at least ten times during this week. And a few of the "chicks" are smoking hot.
Maybe I'm just finally lowering my standards.
I hope not.
But things happen when one gets older.
And when one gets older we learn that if it isn't one's another.
Lower standards might be just one of those another things that we deal with as we move pass the mid-ground on the age scale.
But then this morning as I was walking up to get coffee and I saw a babe in her 20's that took my breath away and I realized that my standards are still pretty high.
Of course when I said good morning and she told me to f..k off...reality returned, and I realized that standards only get lowered because we want the amount of responses to stay at a high level.
I realize this doesn't have much to do with the Track and Field Championships taking place in Osaka Japan, but then again you've probably never even heard of the Versus cable channel so
what difference does it make.
Tonight is one of my favorite events...the 400 Meter final. The last great 400 meter dude was Michael Johnson and he was wonderful to watch. Now he sits in the stands and watches his protegee...the reigning Olympic Champion...Jeremy Wariner. The strange thing about Jeremy is that he used to be a Caucasian....but suddenly he's starting to look like an African American. Which really makes the story even that much better. I love the way he runs and of course I think he was the first dude to wear sunglasses during a meet. The 400 will be run at night so it's kind of trippy to watch him with his shades. He's got a certain aura that is unique.
The Jeremy Wariner skin story is a complete reversal of the Michael Jackson skin story.
If you get a chance.... try to find VERSUS on your cable system and check it out at 4 PM.
By the way....China's main hope for a track medal will be running tonight....It's a name that I could look up and spell properly but without doing that I'm going to guess that it looks like this.....Xxio Xioc. Whatever it's spelled like....He's the World Record holder in the 110 meter High Hurdles and he's quick....and he's tall.
And tomorrow my blog will focus on the start of College Football and of course on the first game of the