Monday, August 13, 2007

The Dodgers have me thinking about football

I should be really excited about the last 45 games of the major league baseball season but watching the Dodgers over the last three weeks has only done one has made me start getting excited about football.
I normally never turn my attention to the pigskin until the horsehide is finished.

Do you think they still use pigskin and horsehide?

It really is painful watching the Dodgers and it's a complete meltdown....from pitchers to hitters and everything in between.

I think the only hope they have is to put Nomar back in the third spot and let Martin bat fifth so that Kent can see some fastballs. Gonzales should bat seventh....and Ethier sixth.....and let Loney hit in the eight spot so that there's no pressure. Nomar has proved that he can handle pressure and as they fall further and further....the pressure will get stronger and stronger.

But seriously....while watching yesterday's 12-2 lost all I could think about was September 1 and the Trojans first game.

Football season for me centers on two teams......USC and the Rams.

Of course it's very easy to think about USC when one considers that this might be the best defensive team they've had since Pete Carroll arrived.


I LOVE SAYING THAT....even if it's not true. But the fact that I read this while trying to watch the Dodgers really made me feel good....and while watching the Dodgers, anything that can make me feel good is welcomed with open arms.

Being a true fan, I think the Dodgers can get it together but just in case.....

SEPTEMBER 1 vs Idaho is looking real good....and Stephen Jackson for the Rams looks like the next huge dealio in running backs.

And then I woke up this morning and discovered that Karl Rove had announced he was bailing out.

Is there no end to the joy?

Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfled and now Karl Rove........the only thing better would be if the Real Dick somehow was brought down off of his bulls..t throne.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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