Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Major League baseball starts tomorrow...just in case you weren't paying attention

Donald J Trump is running for President again.....just in case you weren't paying attention

Fox News calls DJT President, while talking about him...…just in case you weren't paying attention

American Idol on HULU is worth watching....just in case you weren't paying attention

Yesterday in Southern California was the nicest day in 8 weeks.....JICYWPA

The latest school shooting was queer, which is ok to say,.....just in case you weren't paying attention

Russian and China seem to be moving closer together.....JICYWPA

The Los Angeles Rams appear to be worried about money...…just in case you weren't paying attention

The Dodgers have a challenge from San Diego this year...…JICYWPA

The Governor of Michigan is my new favorite politician...…just in case you weren't paying attention

Israel's political situation is getting quite strange......JICYWPA

Science matters well beyond what you may believe........just in case you weren't paying attention

The game of golf should never upset you if you are a 15 or higher handicap......JICYWPA


The one thing I've noticed lately about life in general.......there is a very large percentage of people on this planet that truly are not paying attention.

Common sense is a real commodity that needs to ne nurtured and cultivated.....and it should be stressed in the earliest years of schooling.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

And then there's this comment

Why do all the Chinese diplomats sound like characters from Star Wars?  The latest dude is named Qin Gang and his job is Foreign Minister of China and he just conducted his first news conference since assuming his job last year.

His quote regarding the United States ends with the following words......"with the stakes being the fundamental interests of the two peoples and even the future of humanity."

Fundamental interests refers to ???????????  And the future of humanity refers to ????????

What kind of warning is that?

I realize there is tension regarding Taiwan and their support of Russia's attack on Ukraine but when a high ranking Chinese official uses those words you truly have to wonder if Covid hasn't affected their entire countries sense of reason.

We have ten aircraft carriers and they have one. We have 1500 plus Nuclear warheads and they have 350.  Granted it only takes 10 or 15 to wipe out 75 percent of the human race but you get my point.  The only thing they have more than us is people and history has proven people can be eliminated rather quickly. Just ask Turkey and Syria.

And then the adjoining article on page 3 of the LA TIMES is an article stating that the sister of Kim Jong (also sounding like Star Wars semi-villainy) Kim Yo Jong is warning the United States and South Korea that North Korea is "ready to take quick , overwhelming action"  if those two countries continue to expand their military field actions in the Korean peninsula.  Apparently we flew a B-52 bomber into the region as part of a joint exercise later this month.

By the way please don't worry about me because I've learned to teleport to other dimensions.....or I've been watching Picard on a loop with Mandalorian and  have no sense of reality anymore.

I do have to remind myself that happiness might be based on how much information one can ignore.....

It's getting harder and harder to ignore the political nonsense taking place on a global scale.

I am so thankful that Spring Training is here and that the Dodgers start their season on March 30.

That's the kind of reality I love.

Obviously Russia, North Korea and China need professional baseball leagues.

The head of the Chinese league would be named Bing Bang Yo Ball.

Everyone needs to clam down.

Ambien alert!

How do we place an order for 7 billion doses?

Breath in breathe out breathe in breathe out........................

Thursday, March 2, 2023

And once again we address the LARGEST elephant in the room

 About eight or ten years ago I wrote a piece on weapons trade shows and how easy it might be to actually attend and purchase products.

In late February another show took place in Abu Dhabi called The International Defense Exhibition and Conference or IDEX.

IDEX or Weapons Galore

This year's "exhibition" was the LARGEST in their 30 year history with 1,350 companies selling "products." 130,000 human beings attended the 7 day show representing 65 countries.

65 countries with pre-established credit limits and certain restrictions showed up to restock or start accumulating ANY type of weapon manufactured on this planet except of course for Nuclear Bombs.

I say except but in truth I have no idea if there are any restrictions or any credit limits.

Stop for a second and visualize two "buyers" showing up at the same booth at the same time and both parties are there to purchase items that will eliminate the other party from the face of the earth.  One purchases 5 tanks so the other one buys 10.  That upsets the one party so they buy 25 anti-tank missile launchers and the other party buys 50.....and on and on and on and on and on..........

Go back up and click on IDEX or Weapons Galore and spend some time perusing the list of wheelers and dealers and then make sure you fill out the application for the next trade show because I'm fairly certain you will need to start supplying yourself with "products." 

And by the way we aren't just talking about guns.

Uniforms, land mines, weaponized drones, war planes, submarines, mercenaries, tanks and satellites.

1,350 companies!

130,000 customers!

One of those customers is called Germany. They have verbally committed to spend $100 BILLION to reequip it's armed forces.

I wonder if there was  weaponized Food Truck companies represented at the show?

How about weaponized Portable toilets'?

What cellular company makes cell phone trigger switches that will detonate other cell phones that have been freely handed out to soldiers heading out to battle. 

"Oh by the way corporal take this cell phone that was donated to us by T-Mobile munitions division and don't worry the monthly fees have been waived."

Use your imagination for weapons design and keep in mind these shows are biennial so you have two years to prepare.

After reading about this show and how popular it was there might be a good chance you won't need a weapon in two years.

You might not need anything




130,000 CUSTOMERS!



We are so F**K**!