Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Shadow Network By Anne Nelson

 I started reading The Shadow Network back in the early part of December and I am almost finished.  The book is only 267 pages BUT the footnotes are 105 pages.  Her research on this book is not only extensive but thorough in ways I haven't seen since college textbooks.

As I started reading I posted on Facebook that if you wanted to understand how WE had gotten to the place WE currently are in politics, then one should read this book. Now that I'm almost done I'm simply amazed at the choices the American public has made since 2016....but I now fully realize how certain groups have influenced the process and how their road led to success in 2016. Everyone knows about the Koch Brothers organization but nobody ever mentions......


Side bar

I just read this morning that in 2014 NPR did a poll and 1 out of 4 Americans thought the Sun revolved around the Earth.

So in 7 years do you think that the IQ of a quarter of the population have suddenly become super aware?

1 out of 4 in 2014???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Consider this for a few minutes and then ask yourself why it would be weird for a reality game show host to get elected President of the United States. It makes sense.


In the book Shadow Network the main group being researched is The Council for National Policy known as CPN

Apparently the beginning of this group started when Barry Goldwater got his butt kicked in 1964 by LBJ.

The main thing I want to say without spoiling the book is that ORGANIZED RELIGION has created ORGANIZED POLITICAL RELIGION and the last four years in the White House has been a giant nest for wealthy right-wing fundamentalists.  Led by a man who couldn't care less about religion and who simply did what he was told to do and select people he was told to select, and not only fill his cabinet with their people but also appoint approximately 105 Federal Judgeships across America.

The fact that Donald J. Trump got to appoint 3 Supreme Court Judges was the ENTIRE POINT OF ORGANIZED EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS putting all of their support behind him.  

On June 21 2016 an invitational gathering took place at the Marriot Marquis in New York.  It was called ' A conversation with Donald Trump and Ben Carson.' The religious evangelical groups involved, all leaning heavily to the right, literally read like the who's who of conservative politics with deep belief systems based on the new testament.  

Excluded from that gathering was anyone with ties to Catholics, Jews, Methodists, Episcopalians and Presbyterians.


                             THE PERSON WHO CLAIMS TO KNOW GOD'S WILL

                                                    SHOULD BE AVOIDED

 I can promise you that a major portion of the people attending that gathering not only thought they knew God's will but probably thought HE/SHE spoke to them directly....on a regular basis.

1 out of 4 think the Sun revolves around the Earth   (2014) NOT 200 AD

One of organizers of the event George Barna was quoted as calling Trump....basically not a man of God but...… "God's wrecking ball."

That meeting at the Marriot Marquis changed the entire complexity of the election because now The Donald simply spoke about the things that mattered to his new supporters....Abortion, Immigration, stopping same-sex marriages and making appointments to the judicial system....wrapped up in a clever slogan stolen from Ronald Reagan's campaign of 1980.....MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

The book maps the various ways that their word got spread around America (except of course on the coasts where people seem to have minds of their own).  Acquisitions of radio stations and local newspapers, while inserting political information in Sunday gatherings at the community churches WORKED.  The estimate is that the groups who now were supporting Donald Trump for President totaled around 60 million.  Combine that with Hillary just being Hillary and The Donald accusing her of supporting the aborting of a  baby right up to the time of birth....and whamo!!!!!

The players that preceded to partake in the White House over the next four years not only revolved at a record pace  (more appointments and firings and resigning's in four years than any eight year term President) but made decisions that will affect our lives for many many years.  The decisions by the EPA alone will most likely be overturned by President Biden but anything having to do with Climate Change took a four year sabbatical.

Please remember that the groups like The Council for National Policy are groups that are led by people who believe these are the END TIMES.

I'm pretty sure if Trump had gotten four more years they might have been right.

Thank God for small favors.




And Five weeks ago when Mike Pence first told Donald Trump NO he started running for President in 2024.  Now guess who wanted Mike Pence to be Vice-President in 2016.  

Yes, The Council for National Policy. 

And if you think that CNP put a ton of effort into getting Donald Trump in the White House, "you ain't seen nothing yet."

Basically they hated Donald Trump


Once more I'm telling you






Saturday, February 13, 2021

43 thought he was not the cause for Jan 6

 43 Senators of the United States Senate did not think Donald J. Trump was the cause for what took place on January 6 2021.


Every one of them is an elected Republican.

Nothing more to say

Monday, February 1, 2021

Two for two

 I remember in 2016  writing a piece about how unfair it was that we lost Muhammad Ali and gained Donald Trump.  I think I regarded it as one of the worst trades in history along with the Mike Piazza fiasco.

As I look back on 2020 I realize the Universe might have tried to even the score.  We lost Kobe but we gained Joe while losing that Trump goofball.

Today Joe Biden has been President for 13 days and has executed 750 Executive orders and still needs 35,000 to offset the damage done by that TV game show host.

Of course it's my turn to exaggerate but I hope you get my point.

Environmental issues should be the priority because The Donald was busy right up until he left trying to undermine anything having to do with Clean Air and Clean Water issues.  The EPA standards introduced by previous Presidents from both parties and almost totally destroyed by Trump should start to be noticeable within a few months.

Richard Nixon started the EPA in case you didn't know.

Scott Pruitt and Andrew Wheeler, the last two heads of the EPA under Donald Trump, might turn out to be the worst appointments in the history of President appointments.  And if you think I'm exaggerating I simply ask you to research both of those men and concentrate of what their backgrounds were before being selected to oversee the one position in a cabinet that concentrates on making sure our health and the health of our children's children is a priority.

13 days and we've had 12 press briefings.  I hope you've bothered to take a few minutes and watch one or two of those briefings.  The attitude in the room is relaxed with questions being asked and answers being given that don't seem robotic....

By the way the drugstores in Washington DC lost about 90 percent of their blond hair color business when "President Biff" hit he highway.  Trivia many blonds worked for Donald J Trump in the last fours years?   Answer......all of them.

Roger Ailes and Donald Trump came from the same cocoon.

I don't want to mention her name but that woman from Georgia who is a QAnon follower and somehow got elected to the House of Representatives needs to be sent to detention.  Maybe a few days with Sister Mary Margaret from the rectory in Atlanta might straighten her out.  She and the Pillow Guy need to find an island north of Greenland and start a family while they wait for spaceship from the Andromeda Galaxy.

Just a reminder to read the book Shadow Network by Anne Nelson.

And one more thing....I realize the Corvid situation is very much a priority and wearing a mask should not be an optional situation


doesn't everything seem a bit calmer over the last two weeks?
