Saturday, December 29, 2012

This is happening

There's an article on the front page of today's LA TIMES that is a must read.

The Times seems to prevent cut and paste from their web site so you might have to download the paper or actually go to the newsstand and get a copy.  OMG, an actual copy of a newspaper.....


It's part of a series she is doing called THE SOLAR DESERT

Nice work Julie!

The photograph on page A14 is a perfect capturing of what will be in the very near future.
Study it carefully!

Small to large scale renewable energy. 
I'm so sick of oil companies and OUR bought and sold politicians controlling our energy needs that I've decided to
...sorry but I feel better now.

The great part of this story by Julie Cart is that all of this RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGY is actually happening, in spite of the corporate blocks.


Michael Timothy McAlevey

Friday, December 28, 2012

6 Years

Two days ago was the six year anniversary of Mind Jazz so I decided to do a painting.

A bit different chaos theme with hidden words and obscure symbols.

                                                  4 x 6 my mind.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Monday, December 24, 2012

The act of forgiveness is not used nearly enough

I fully understand that forgiving is a problem for many people.  Atrocities, when committed toward innocent people, by mentally deranged and socially unbalanced people,  are extremely hard to forgive and especially almost impossible to forget. 

Forgiving and forgetting aren't even in the same category because one can forgive much easier than one can forget.

I've noticed lately that forgiveness, by some people I personally know, is only based on the wrong being corrected before the act of forgiveness is demonstrated.

That's not forgiveness because the wrong was corrected. 

When the wrong isn't corrected and someone forgives someone for their negative actions then the light of tolerance and compassion shine through and forgiveness lives large.

I fully expect the people I know, both family and friends, to listen to me on this subject.

I fully acknowledge that the ones who can't forgive will tell me to mind my own business.

Harmony, among family and friends, is every one's business....because it flows over and affects the basic structure of society.

So many wonderful words get bantered about at this time of the year and although it's generally a retail ad campaign moment to get you spending your money, there's enough foundation involved to recognize that the ideals and principles of Peace, Love and Harmony are monster concepts that should be increased throughout every waking moment.

Or for certain.....the attempt at increasing Peace, Love and Harmony.

Those three concepts cannot be truthfully constructed without forgiveness.

Everybody makes mistakes.


And everybody knows that everybody makes mistakes and yet I see people who have made huge mistakes become totally judgemental when focusing on other people's mistakes and conclusions are reached that affect the Peace, Love and Harmony within a given social unit and basically holiday cheer turns into holiday stress and holiday stress is amplified to such a degree that effects of a bad holiday are carried into the new year and before one can understand what happened there's a moment in Newtown, Connecticut that causes abnormal stress on the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE.

There are horrible events that should not be tolerated and there are moments among families and friends that are so far below those type of events that it's actually silly to even mention them in the same paragraph....but I see those trivial moments becoming the primary structure of how certain people interact.

Words can be ignored.  Thoughts can be changed.  Attitudes can be adjusted.

There are some things that cannot be altered.

Words, thoughts and attitudes are not among those things.


But it all starts with introspection and realizing that forgiveness is the only road in which new arenas of behavior can be constructed.

It's really not as hard as it sounds unless stubbornness is the dominant element residing at the core of behavior.

Christmas should be the time we practice eliminating stubbornness and increasing the
forgiveness brand of our personal mission statements.

I really can't believe I used mission statement and brand in the same sentence......but what the heck, it's almost 2013 and we've all got to fall in line with the times.

So therefore my Christmas wish to EVERYBODY is...............


Find it and fix it....or at the very least....realize that it needs some adjustment.

Have a Merry Christmas and let's all work on making 2013 full of Peace, Love and

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Maybe it looked like this

The Mayans might have seen the following images while working on their calender and just figured enough is enough. Of course they were eating mushrooms and smoking hemp like there was no tomorrow and thus there was created a day

see ya on the other side......hopefully.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Trying to make sense of nonsense

Anti-gun people got a huge bonus this week and yet Pro-gun people simply say...bring it on.

Mental health is the problem...not guns.  And people who ignore mental health problems, which appears to be a large contingent that started with Reagan health facility reductions in the 80's, say the same thing......bring it on.

Automatic weapons are really unnecessary items to have in one's home.

It would seem that the number of automatic weapons manufactured on an annual basis, combined with a general lack of mental health recognition issues, would converge to create an occasional incident that leaves an entire nation in shock.

Of course there is a vocal group that claim violent video games and  movies play a major role in these horrible moments.  I'm sure it might create part of the anesthetic needed to be void of compassion but there is much more involved.

It would seem logical that a parent or a relative would recognize a distorted behavior that might indicate a no weapons zone around such a personality.  People who are on psychopharmacuticals to control their moods, have doctors and some of the responsibility must fall into their hands.

So many mood control prescriptions are being issued on a daily basis that it probably dwarfs the automatic weapons number.  I'll actually investigate those numbers but anybody with common sense knows how big the legal drug industry is.

The lack of compassion starts at the top.

Where is the top?

Is it in Washington?
Is it in your home?
Is it at the doctor's office?
Is it in the school?

Who are the ultimate teachers of our troubled youth

I sure hope it's not Hollywood or Wall Street.  At least Hollywood creates content that is uplifting and compassionate to offset the violent and crude entities. 

Wall Street on the other hand is entirely based on profit motive and compassion don't really seem to be part of that agenda.

I'm pretty sure that the top is a mom and a dad because
that's the first contact.

I've said in the past;   when a person commits a violent act toward other human beings....the parents should be arrested for questioning.

Obviously the mom of that mentally deranged 20 year old in Newtown, Conn won't be able to answer any questions.

So let's go check with his doctor.

Of course doctor/patient confidentiality supersedes anything we might be able to learn.  They sure don't want their prescription distributions to be brought and and analysed.  That might make them feel responsible and God forbid that the pharmaceutical companies are held responsible because that could bum everybodies favorite high.

Something is out of whack and I'm hoping that it's fixable.

For sure there's going to be some changes needed in how we treat people with mental health problems.........and probably some extreme upgrading

I feel so sorry for the parents in Newtown that have to live through the worst thing that will ever happen to them.  Hopefully there's an abundance of soul awareness taking place in that town....and that they understand the following words................

"Human beings cannot destroy the true nature of any creature God has created."


Michael Timothy McAlevey

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Can't say it twice in my lifetime


Michael Timothy McAlevey

Monday, December 10, 2012

I really hate to bring this up....but downwinders beware

I've been wanting to bring this subject up for awhile but every time I think about it I realize that I shouldn't depress you with certain I drop the idea.

This article includes me and my literary friend.....Wikipedia!

I've decided that you need to be reminded that our government has made decisions in the past that make no sense what's so ever!  So when you hear about a contemporary decision regarding our safety and welfare please keep in mind that that decision might not be the right decision.

The real problem is that decisions in the past have a very current and ongoing result.

A RESULT THAT WILL NOT BE CONFIRMED BY OUR GOVERNMENT but we know is happening. The result has to do with radiation poisoning.

I apologize and suggest that young children don't learn about this until they turn 18.

The Nevada National Security Site[1] (N2S2), previously the Nevada Test Site (NTS), is a United States Department of Energy reservation located in southeastern Nye County, Nevada, about 65 mi (105 km) northwest of the city of Las Vegas.

Between 1951 and 1992, there were a total of 928 announced nuclear tests at Nevada Test Site. Of those, 828 were underground.[3] (Sixty-two of the underground tests included multiple, simultaneous nuclear detonations, adding 93 detonations and bringing the total number of NTS nuclear detonations to 1,021, of which 921 were underground.)[4] The site is covered with subsidence craters from the testing. The Nevada Test Site was the primary testing location of American nuclear devices; 126 tests were conducted elsewhere (many at the Pacific Proving Grounds in the Marshall Islands).


On 17 July 1962, the test shot "Little Feller I" of Operation Sunbeam became the last atmospheric test detonation at the Nevada Test Site. Underground testing of weapons continued until 23 September 1992, and although the United States did not ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the articles of the treaty are nevertheless honored and further tests have not occurred. Subcritical testing, tests not involving the full creation of a critical mass, continue.



Imagine 65 miles from where you live...... that a nuclear bomb has just exploded!


November 1951 nuclear test at Nevada Test Site. Test is shot "Dog" from Operation Buster, with a yield of 21 kilotonnes of TNT (88 TJ). It was the first U.S. nuclear field exercise conducted on land; troops shown are 6 mi (9.7 km) from the blast.

Our government had already destroyed two Japanese cities and they assured the troops shown above that 6.1 miles was a safe distance.

And then we remember 900+ underground tests.

Each of the below ground explosions—some as deep as 5,000 feet—vaporized a large chamber, leaving a cavity filled with radioactive rubble. About a third of the tests were conducted directly in aquifers, and others were hundreds or thousands of feet below the water table.[6]

When testing ended in 1992, the Energy Department estimated that more than 300 million curies of radiation remained, making the site one of the most radioactively contaminated places in the United States. In the worst affected zones, radioactivity in the tainted water reaches millions of picocuries per liter. (The federal standard for drinking water is 20 picocuries per liter.) Although radiation levels in the water have declined over time, the longer-lived isotopes will continue to pose risks for tens of thousands of years.[6]

When testing ended in 1992, the Energy Department estimated that more than 300 million curies of radiation remained, making the site one of the most radioactively contaminated places in the United States. In the worst affected zones, radioactivity in the tainted water reaches millions of picocuries per liter. (The federal standard for drinking water is 20 picocuries per liter.) Although radiation levels in the water have declined over time, the longer-lived isotopes will continue to pose risks for tens of thousands of years.[6]


A 1979 study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded that:

A significant excess of leukemia deaths occurred in children up to 14 years of age living in Utah between 1959 and 1967. This excess was concentrated in the cohort of children born between 1951 and 1958, and was most pronounced in those residing in counties receiving high fallout.[12]

This map is the RAD map.

In a report by the National Cancer Institute, released in 1997, it was determined that ninety atmospheric tests at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) deposited high levels of radioactive iodine-131 (5.5 exabecquerels) across a large portion of the contiguous United States, especially in the years 1952, 1953, 1955, and 1957—doses large enough, they determined, to produce 10,000 to 75,000 cases of thyroid cancer. The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act of 1990 allowed for people living downwind of NTS for at least two years in particular Nevada, Arizona or Utah counties, between 21 January 1951 and 31 October 1958, or 30 June and 31 July 1962, and suffering from certain cancers or other serious illnesses deemed to have been caused by fallout exposure to receive compensation of $50,000. By January 2006, over 10,500 claims had been approved, and around 3,000 denied, for a total amount of over $525 million in compensation dispensed to "downwinders".[14] Additionally, the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 provides compensation and medical benefits for nuclear weapons workers who may have developed certain work-related illnesses.[15]

DOWNWIND!.......I LIVED IN LOS ANGELES AND IT'S NOT DOWNWIND BUT WHAT I'VE LEARNED ABOUT NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS IS THAT THEY CREATE THEIR OWN WIND AND IT GOES EVERYWHERE.....and all I know is that my thyroid is gone and nobody I know has ever bothered to mention that compensation might be involved.


NTS today

The test site offers monthly public tours, often fully booked months in advance. Visitors are not allowed to bring in cameras, binoculars, cell phones, or pick up rocks for souvenirs.[9]



Our governement is still doing things that make no sense. 

Certain parks are closing because we can't afford to have
a forest ranger strolling the grounds, but we have a a nuclear test site that allows visitors.


I need to go to sleep now....

I'll try to offset this story in a few days.

Michael Timothy McAlevey



Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sweet surprise

Searching for Sugar Man is a documentary that simply deserves as much notoriety as any film made in 2012.

I don't want to reveal any pertinent information because everything unfolds in the film and one shouldn't have a clue until that process actually happens on the screen.  I don't read reviews until AFTER I've seen a film because I want my own experience to be raw.

The concept of a the big screen experience in a dark movie theater is intended to be a large, magical and emotionally surprising or rewarding event. 

Previews and reviews are major attacks on that experience and often times people walk out of a movie disappointed and they aren't even sure why.

When I see a movie, that should be seen by others, I simply try to say that it's a must see movie.  At the beginning of the year when Moonrise Kingdom came out I told friends that it was the best movie of the year and when they saw it they totally didn't get anywhere near that reaction.   It was the best movie of the year when it came out.  There have been numerous better movies since then, but I still think it was one of the top ten films I saw in 2012.

My top five films that I say are must see.......

Searching for Sugar Man
Silver Linings Playbook
Life of Pi
Ted (the funniest movie I've seen in years)

and 2 bonus films
Brave (best animation since Beauty and the Beast)
Argo  (which is probably better than Lincoln but it's Lincoln for christsakes)

My understanding is that there are a couple of must see releases between now and Christmas but I find it hard to believe that they can crack my top 5....but that's exactly why we go to the movies.


And while I'm begging to be surprised I might as well ask one more favor......after all, it is Christmas time and a wish list is still a wish list no matter how young or old you happen to be.

In 2013 could someone who matters in the world of movie making magic....please read my scripts.

Happy Holidays and I'll see you inside the theater.\

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Friday, December 7, 2012

Just in case

If you ever need a dose of Mind Jazz just scroll down the right side of the page until you get to the archives.
I started posting in December of 2006 and while a few of you have been around since the beginning I know for sure that some of you are new to the site.


Michael Timothy McAlevey

Monday, December 3, 2012

Only a few Puzzles left

 30 x 40

 24 x 40

24 x 40

30 x 40

These are magnetic puzzles with approximately 70 pieces each. Each puzzle is framed.  Each frame was hand-painted.

1992 and 1993 was my Puzzle Period and these are the large ones that I still have.  Note the two on the bottom with the missing pieces. Those missing pieces were taken at the galley, by some deranged collector, where I was showing......and basically created a roadblock.  I was working on figuring out how to circumvent the roadblock when February 3, 1994 changed EVERYTHING. 

The beginning started on December 27, 1991 at 3am.  I was having a dream.....

Jackson Pollack and I were sitting around a big round oak dining table, drinking beers and smoking cigarettes and talking about my art work. Mr. Pollack said these exact words...."Well, I like your color sense and I think the flow thing you are trying to achieve is interesting, but if you want to fuck with people make puzzles of my artwork."

HIS WORDS SAT ME UP IN BED  (I've had two of those type of dreams in my life) and the next day I went to my office and made my first small 18 piece non-magnetic puzzle and the following day started a company called.....

"ART IS A PUZZLE, but then you already knew that."

My small gift item puzzles were very successful and then 7 months later I learned about magnetic fields and discovered I could buy rolls of magnetic adhesive and create larger pieces that would go into galleries.  I sold 11 puzzles for between $600 and $1500 in one Palm Desert gallery within the first 45 days and then the Universe decided I needed to be altered.  Three galleries within one month called with the same story......"someone took a piece of your puzzle....could you bring a replacement piece."  Since every puzzle was an original, replacement pieces were obviously out of the question.

I personally believe that since my puzzle period is well behind me, and I've created hundreds of new images and designs, alone with three new periods, that those four pieces shown above have a value that should be determined by auction.

Do I hear $2500? 

The idea is at the end of my show, when everybody is good and drunk, or stoned on medical pot, to bring out the puzzles and see what the Universe has in store for me NOW.

I think the Universe owes me big time and I'm ready for the debt to be settled.

Of course there's a good chance that everything is still one big puzzle and my art will always be the missing piece of my life.

A side bar.....I applied for a Jackson Pollack Foundation Grant a few years ago and told them the whole story.................. and never heard a word. 

It's the 20 year anniversary of my Puzzle Period and I'm still proud of how they look and how they've held up.

Do I hear $3000?

Michael Timothy McAlevey