Tuesday, August 7, 2007

And we never forget

Today is the 21st birthday of this little girl....and I could show you her picture today but I wanted you see what runs through the mind of a father when his daughter turns 21.

She is a smoking hot adult woman but in my mind....she will always be the images shown above and that might be why it's so hard to stop acting like a parent....why it's so hard to stop trying to interfere and offer opinions....why it's so hard to realize that she is

her own person....

I do realize it and I accept it but there are these images that rumble through my mind when someone asks me how Lily is....

I say fine....beautiful...spunky.....but always in my mind are these images of the girl who used to be daddy's little girl.

Who is now 21 and completely not wanting to remember those parts of her that still exist in my mind.

We tell our kids to grow up but in truth....it's us that need to grow up and deal with the facts.

The fact is my beautiful daughter Lily May Montana is 21 years old today and I wish her all the very best....but I also wish that she would just be that little girl once in awhile when she looks at me or talks to me....

Just once in awhile.....

Happy Birthday


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