Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Another sign from our "GOOD" FRIENDS

Our "good" friends from Saudi Arabia have made another decision that should indicate the substance of their love for democracy and free enterprise.

Yesterday the government indefinitely banned the distribution of a leading Arab newspaper, which a few days before had disclosed that Saudi extremist played a key role in a violent Iraqi al-Qaeda front group.

The Al Hayat newspaper and the kingdom's information minister have been having an on-going dispute for several weeks.

Saudi officials appear to be sensitive to the newspapers criticism that extremists from Saudi Arabs are making their way to Iraq to fight against the SHITE-led government....even though over the last few months top Saudi officials have acknowledged the problem.

Saudi Arabia is a KINGDOM and the last time I checked kingdom's have a tendency to be run by strict authoritarian methods. So making a decision to shut down a newspaper means nothing in that country.


but as long as the oil keeps flowing....we don't seem to care what our "good" friends from Saudi Arabia do....including money being sent to their exiled brother in the mountains of Pakistan......Mr. Osama Bin Laden.

Someday we are going to care....
and someday everybody will the hell did we let that happen? Weren't they our "good" friends?

The old adage...."with friends like that....who needs enemies".... might be quite pertinent in this case...but then again so might the other adage...."keep your friends close and but your enemies closer."

Michael Timothy McAlevey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I track the Saudi funded expansion of militant, extremist Wahhabi Islam on my blog, Wahaudi -- nearly 600 stories from around the world in less than 6 months.