Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Blame it on the Eclipse

ORLANDO, Fla. - Former astronaut Lisa Nowak is pursuing a temporary insanity defense on charges that she assaulted and tried to kidnap a romantic rival, according to a court document released Tuesday.
Nowak suffered from major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, insomnia and "brief psychotic disorder with marked stressors," defense attorney Donald Lykkebak wrote. He said the already-petite woman had also recently lost 15 percent of her body weight and struggled with "marital separation."
"This notice does not challenge competence to stand trial, but only raises insanity at the time of the offense," he wrote.

After watching last night's total lunar eclipse I think she should blame it on everything space related....but most of all if she saw an eclipse from space then she could be nuttier than a fruitloaf....or fruitcake or whatever that weird thing that rolls out around Christmas.... is called.

Whenever I want a mouthful of mud I look for the nearest fruitcake or fruitloaf.....

Lisa Nowak should have no problem convincing a jury that she became insane from things she learned and saw while being involved in the NASA program.

It's my opinion that 95% of the population in Southern California doesn't even know that there was an eclipse last night.

Can you imagine how human beings reacted 10,000 years ago when a Lunar Eclipse took place.

I relate it to the similar situation that goes through a one year old when they encounter their first Christmas.

Do they think that life just got incredibly entertaining and how in the world do they know that the next day and every day after that isn't going to be Christmas?

10,000 years ago when a human saw a lunar eclipse did they think it was the end of the moon?

Of course the total eclipse only lasts about ten minutes so they got over it pretty quick....but you know that for the next ten years they kept waiting for it to happen every night......

If Lisa Nowak wasn't able to assimilate the experiences of space then it's fairly easy to understand why she might have gone a tad bit looney.

Most people ignore the realities of Space because they can't deal with it. If those type of people, and there seems to be quite a few of them, get on her jury then she can freak them out with just a few pictures and videos.

She will be acquitted if she just shows them a video of an eclipse taken from Space.

Actually I think I've gone a little goofy just from watching last night's show.
maybe it started awhile ago......
Michael Timothy McAlevey

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