Some Hummingbirds can flap their wings 4800 times a minute.
Pete Rose is not in the Hall of Fame.
There are 200 to 400 BILLION stars in OUR Milky Way Galaxy.
Reese Witherspoon does not have my cell phone number.
An Italian Ocean Liner can hit a reef after traveling the same route 52 times a year for 11 years.
Politicians really do think we should believe what they say.
Some people keep saying that Kobe Bryant has gotten old.
The Los Angles Dodgers might fetch $1.5 Billion.
The Republicans really think they have a chance to win the election.
Eastman Kodak stock is .51 CENTS a share and they own hundreds of digital patents.
Google is $624 DOLLARS a share and they have never charged US a penny to use their
core product.
The United States spent 4 TRILLION DOLLARS at the retail level in America.
Over 600 MILLION people do not have access to toilets in India.
The number of people going to bed hungry in America every night.
That a Mormon could run for President without showing us the "Golden Tablets."
So many unbelievable things.
Michael Timothy McAlevey
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