Saturday, January 7, 2012

A list just because

The top ten bands of all time....not in any particular order.

Rolling Stones
The Who
Band Aids
Glenn Miller or Benny Goodman( depending on who you talk to)
The Band or The Doors or Aerosmith (depending on who you talk to)
Led Zepplin

The top ten politicans of all time

Abraham Lincoln
no 2-10

It's amazing that I can name ten bands fairly easily but when it comes to politicans it just doesn't compute. Each and every person I consider just simply falls away when it comes to comparisons with Abe.

Mr. Lincoln would have been Ralph Waldo Emerson's equal if he had only been a writer.
Lincoln's quotes (which are readily available on Google) are beyond fabulous....they are perfect.

It's actually a great way to start the new Abe's words and apply them to your life.

Happy New Year

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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