Tuesday, January 31, 2012

We all seem to know it's there but what's being done about it

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also described as the Pacific Trash Vortex, is a gyre of marine litter in the central North Pacific Ocean located roughly between 135°W to 155°W and 35°N to 42°N.[1] The patch extends over an indeterminate area, with estimates ranging very widely depending on the degree of plastic concentration used to define the affected area.
The Patch is characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of pelagic plastics, chemical sludge, and other debris that have been trapped by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre.[2] Despite its size and density, the patch is not visible from satellite photography, since it consists primarily of suspended particulates in the upper water column. Since plastics break down to ever smaller polymers, concentrations of submerged particles are not visible from space, nor do they appear as a continuous debris field. Instead, the patch is defined as an area in which the mass of plastic debris in the upper water column is significantly higher than average. (Wikipedia)

I've watched seven of the Republican debates (ok, maybe six. but I do record all of them with perfect intentions of viewing them later.....but sometimes later just hasn't arrived)....and I haven't heard any mention of this massive ecological disaster taking place in the pacific ocean.

Supposedly it's twice the size of Texas but maybe even bigger when width and depth is measured.

THE MAIN PROBLEM IS.......IT'S GETTING BIGGER and people in power positions and people who want to be in power positions don't seem to be bringing it up......EVER.

I read the other day that there is four times as much plastic in the ocean as there is zooplankton.

I guess anything that outnumbers jellyfish is ok with those vacation seeking politicians. After all none of them have ever been stung by a piece of plastic.


Now it's time to suggest a few solutions.

Laser beam disintegration seems logical

Large trash compacting ships makes sense

I do know that nothing will be done until somebody with a lot of vocal chops makes it a pet issue.

I can't even name a musician who has championed this cause....and jumping on this bandwagon would seem to be a perfect vehicle for numerous voices.


What do think the odds are for anyone in the Republican party bringing up the issue of a giant garbage patch in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?

I'd put those odds at about a million to one.

The trouble also being.....

I don't seem to hear too many Democratic leaders addressing this problem.

Maybe they are all in cahoots and what we are witnessing is the construction of a new plastic land mass in order to connect the continents of North America and Asia. A plan devised by the oil companies so that cars can travel back and forth between Japan and San Francisco.

Maybe Donald Trump is behind it to create the Pacific Trump Highway.




the human species is simply not paying attention to certain problems that are created by certain consumer habits.

Gotta give Santa Monica kudos on the plastic bag ban.

It's more than any politician, musician or sports star is doing.

Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen might be the only celebrities I've heard mention it.....oh yeah and they live in Santa Monica.





I just did

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Monday, January 30, 2012

And one more time we played around with Bill

Yesterday we held a Celebration of Life for my Dad, Bill McAlevey, at the Westlake Golf Course.

The Celebration took place about 75 feet from where he got his only hole-in-one at the age of 85.

It was casual and relaxed and some precious moments of Bill's life were shared by family and friends.

It's pretty hard to summarize a full 92 years of life in a few hour celebration, but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves in an atmosphere that Dad would have appreciated.

No ties, good food and a few stiff drinks to say goodbye......oh yeah and two renditions of Bill Bailey by the entire gathering.

Thanks to everyone who attended and thanks for caring about him.

Hit it straight, don't cheat and keep proper score because it all matters later, and later comes sooner than you think.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A life worth remembering was a life worth living

William Anthony McAlevey

“Bill,”“Red,” “Dad,” “Grandpa,” “Papa” passed away on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Bill’s oldest son Jerry was at his side.

He was 92 and had a full and wonderful life.

Born in St. Louis in 1919 to Clare and James McAlevey, Bill was one of seven brothers. Jim, Tom, Bob, Ralph, Richie have all passed away. Raymond “Cup” still lives in St. Louis and is the remaining brother.

Being one of seven brothers growing up in the Depression taught Bill the importance of hard work and discipline which would serve him well until he finally retired at the age of 85.

Joining the Marine Corp in 1942, after moving to California and working at Lockheed, Bill met Meredith Mathews at a USO dance and they were married during one of his early leaves. He then shipped out and four years later left the Marines as a Staff Sergeant. He and Meredith lived in Hollywood and had two boys, Jerry and Tim, while he tried to make a living as a photographer. As with many marriages after the war things didn’t work out and Bill’s first marriage ended. There was a serendipitous moment that occurred in his photography studio when two young brothers named Al and Len Aaron came in and tried to sell him a wedding album that they built in their garage. Bill’s photography studio wasn’t doing that well so he simply asked how many of these could they make, and the answer stimulated Bill and he said, “I can sell these for you, start making more.” A short time later Bill asked Al and Len if they knew anywhere to get picture frames because that was something photography studios didn’t have. And that’s how Aaron Brothers started.

Bill became the Vice-President in charge of the Wholesale Division and Al and Len started developing the retail chain. For the next 30 years Bill ran the division of Aaron Brothers which became a major player in supplying framed artwork to the Home Furnishings Industry. At one time he handled an independent sales force of 40 men and women and oversaw showrooms in five major Furniture markets across the country.

During that time he remarried and had two more boys, Richard and David, and then in 1961 fell in love for the third time and married Claudia Smith. They have been together for 51 years and have two daughters, Laury and Marilyn and one son, Steven.

In 1981 Bill bought the wholesale division from Aaron Brothers and changed the name to Spectra Galleries where he continued to compete in the home furnishings industry. In 1997 he altered the business model and ended his wholesale experience but started a retail custom frame shop in North Hollywood, which he ran until closing shop at the age of 85 in 2005.

Bill was an avid golfer and since 1960 has played with his best friend, artist Bill Blackman. Over the last five years, three of Bill’s sons joined him every Tuesday for a round. He had his only hole-in-one on the 9th hole of Westlake Golf Course at the age of 85. He often said how enjoyable it was to be able to play golf on a regular basis with three of his five boys. He also was very proud that he consistently shot his age or less.

Bill was an actively proud verbal member of the Republican Party and loved the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim baseball team.

He is survived by his wife Claudia, his brother Raymond, his children Jerry, Tim, David, Richard, Laury, Marilyn and Steven along with ten grandchildren and numerous nephews and nieces.
His sense of humor, his honor and his honesty were legendary among his family, friends and associates.

He will be greatly missed by everyone who experienced his unique “personality.”

There will be a Celebration of Life at Westlake Golf Course on Sunday the 29th of January at 12 noon. Dress like Bill would.....causal and relaxed.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I sure wish he had made 100....0r 110.....but will settle for 92 and a half.

1919-2012.......a full life with many life's left behind.

Love you Dad......see you on the other side.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Sunday, January 15, 2012


This test is courtesy of Christian Ellis author of The Enlightened Enterprize

United States GOP Presidency Candidate Competency Test

This evaluation indicates whether a Republican candidate, after completing the form, is
sane, competent, and thus eligible, to run for our nation’s highest office, the Presidency.

Test Questions

True / False
1. Evolution has not been proven at all; school textbooks must reflect this.
2. It is okay to lie to people as long as long as telling the truth was never your intent.
3. Reagan never comprised and never raised taxes. Never.
4. Women should not have any reproductive rights or control over the own bodies.
5. It is okay to kill bad people but not okay for good people to decide when to die.
6. Climate change is a hoax, a baseless theory from people who hate oil companies.
7. Man coexisted with dinosaurs such as velociraptors and pterodactyls.
8. Our Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to abolish slavery. Tirelessly.
9. Taxes are too high for wealthy people in this country: they are persecuted victims.
10. Anyone can be rich; all they have to do is work hard for a while, just a while.
11. Poor old people, minorities, and students should not vote because they are confused.
12. Gays getting married is immoral and will cause all real marriages to fail immediately.
13. The Civil War was about state’s rights and trade, not at all about slavery whatsoever.
14. All immigrants are dirty drug dealers, mules, prostitutes, or gang-bangers.
15. The US Constitution must be followed literally, except when it comes to religion.
16. Reducing taxes does not increase the country’s deficit; in fact we don’t need taxes.
17. All Middle-Eastern countries and their people are enemies and should be bombed.
18. Paul Revere founded the NRA on his way to warning us about the British.
19. Evangelical Christianity is the only faith; the other 5 billion people on Earth are wrong.
20. Automatic assault rifles with Teflon bullets are needed to protect us from tiny rodents.
Bonus: Even though small businesses are the key, the millionaires are the job creators.
Bonus: If you come together and pray to baby Jesus, the needed rains will come.
Bonus: If you don’t have a job, shame on you; it is your own damn fault.
Bonus: Murdering our youth in the military is okay if the number is less than Vietnam.
Bonus: The key to getting elected is to trick poor people into voting for rich people.

Answer Key: All correct answers are False, including the Bonus Questions.

Answer Evaluation and Eligibility

Assessment of scores and eligibility (along with suggested action) are as follows:

Unable to answer due to severe brain damage=Bush Republican—not eligible (imprison for treason).

0 correct=Bachmann, Palin, Limbaugh, Rove, and Cheney Republican—not eligible (just imprison period).
1-3 correct=Gingrich, Santorum, and Coulter Republican—not eligible (hospitalize for mental illness).
4-5 correct=Cain, McCain, Paul, and Trump Republican—not eligible (closely audit bankruptcies and taxes).
6-7 correct=Romney and Nixon Republican—not eligible (constantly fact-check all policy reversals).
8-10 correct=Huntsman and Reagan Republican—not eligible (check for spousal plastic surgery bills).
11-19 correct=Eisenhower and Ford Republican—possibly eligible (however, ensure meds are always taken).
20+ correct=Lincoln Republican, Founder of the Party—eligible!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Somethings are just unbelievable to me.......

Some Hummingbirds can flap their wings 4800 times a minute.

Pete Rose is not in the Hall of Fame.

There are 200 to 400 BILLION stars in OUR Milky Way Galaxy.

Reese Witherspoon does not have my cell phone number.

An Italian Ocean Liner can hit a reef after traveling the same route 52 times a year for 11 years.

Politicians really do think we should believe what they say.

Some people keep saying that Kobe Bryant has gotten old.

The Los Angles Dodgers might fetch $1.5 Billion.

The Republicans really think they have a chance to win the election.

Eastman Kodak stock is .51 CENTS a share and they own hundreds of digital patents.

Google is $624 DOLLARS a share and they have never charged US a penny to use their

core product.

The United States spent 4 TRILLION DOLLARS at the retail level in 2011.....in America.

Over 600 MILLION people do not have access to toilets in India.

The number of people going to bed hungry in America every night.

That a Mormon could run for President without showing us the "Golden Tablets."

So many unbelievable things.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A list just because

The top ten bands of all time....not in any particular order.

Rolling Stones
The Who
Band Aids
Glenn Miller or Benny Goodman( depending on who you talk to)
The Band or The Doors or Aerosmith (depending on who you talk to)
Led Zepplin

The top ten politicans of all time

Abraham Lincoln
no 2-10

It's amazing that I can name ten bands fairly easily but when it comes to politicans it just doesn't compute. Each and every person I consider just simply falls away when it comes to comparisons with Abe.

Mr. Lincoln would have been Ralph Waldo Emerson's equal if he had only been a writer.
Lincoln's quotes (which are readily available on Google) are beyond fabulous....they are perfect.

It's actually a great way to start the new year......read Abe's words and apply them to your life.

Happy New Year

Michael Timothy McAlevey