Friday, May 27, 2011

Intern moves to the Discovery channel

A 22 year old INTERN, Amelia Fraser McKelvie from Australia, discovered something that thousands of scientists have been looking for since the Hubble telescope was put into orbit.

She found the MISSING MASS which I hadn't heard of before now. I thought all the searching was for Dark Matter and lo and behold Amelia takes a summer vacation to look at the universe and becomes an instant sensation on the Discovery channel.

So the moral of this story......always keep looking, but be careful when you loan your knowledge out to some snotty little intern. SHE WILL STEAL YOUR THUNDER!

Click on the title of this piece and learn all the details.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Beaver and the plot against Mel

THE BEAVER by Jodie Foster, starring Mel Gibson, is getting extremely short changed at the box office. After watching the film Saturday night I am further confused by the lack of attendance.

The film is important for anyone experiencing or knowing someone who is dealing with mental health problems. The film is important for anyone who has experienced the loss of a child, a brother or a sister. The film is important for anyone who has lost control of a business or a job. The film is important for anyone who has been involved in the breakup of a marriage and the destruction of a family unit.


Pirates of the Caribbean #4 took in $300 million on it's opening weekend.....The Beaver has been in theaters for about two weeks and probably hasn't done $1 million worth of business. I can't explain why no one is going to see this film except for the fact that Mel Gibson is being boycotted by the industry.

I personally think he deserves an Academy Award nomination for his role. Not only is it a compelling and believable performance, but when one mentally blends art and life together, than the fact that he decided to make this movie creates an experience that is much more impressive than a normal acting job.

Watching him on the screen and knowing the rumors about his off screen behavior makes the the film an exceptional piece of work.

I can't believe that industry executives would be able to squash a movie because they don't like the actor.....but that is exactly what this feels like.

I've read a few of the negative reviews and all I can say is that mental health problems can obviously create a ton of denial.

The reviews didn't make any sense....which further leads me to the opinion that some type of collusion is taking place in order to prevent this movie from reaching an audience.

I recommend this film to everyone of all ages, sex, religious affiliation, minor mental issues( yes that does include you) major and minor family problems and to anyone who just might be curious to see how much Mel Gibson has matured as an actor.

If we stopped watching movies and sports because of the erratic behavior of the talent then we would be left with very little to observe.

Imagine if we applied that type of bias to our politicians and our religious leaders.

Give Mel a break and go watch THE BEAVER!

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Saturday, May 21, 2011


The LIFE magazine website has some incredible images of nuclear weapons being detonated since 1945. There have been more than 2000 nuclear test explosions, with the United States having the most at 1,054....of which two weren't a test.

Nuclear Countries
United States
United Kingdom
North Korea
South Africa

Check out the photographs and then simply accept the fact that
to this type


Simple and clear.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Friday, May 20, 2011

Borders, The Rapture and other silly stuff

There's been a backlash over the Obama announcement that the issue of borders in Israel, which separate Israeli's and Palestinians, needs to be readdressed based on Pre-1967 War boundaries.

Seems like pretty trivial stuff if The Rapture happens tomorrow. Of course the Jews are God's chosen people so most likely they'll be taking the heavenly trip. Of course that will cause some friction with the New Testament Fundamentalists and God will have to explain the boundaries once they all settle into Paradise. I wonder how the Islamic suicide bombers will feel about all these new people suddenly joining their multiple virgin heaven?

My take on President Obama's statement is that PEACE IS THE OBJECTIVE and anything that might lead to that objective......should be addressed. I realize how important having an ally in the Middle East is, but the Jewish settlement issue goes well beyond having a friend in the region. The issue predates the United States involvement by about 3000 years. What needs to be addressed is the origins of the region....but then again Native Americans would also like property readjustments to take place instead of Casino distribution. Has anybody thought about maybe letting the Palestinians build Casino's in the Gaza Strip?

I know this sounds too basic......but the Jews are not going to be displaced again......ever! All the other non-Jewish neighbors just need to accept that fact and figure something else out. If they all didn't keep spouting "Death to the Israeli's" perhaps some boundaries could be worked out. Jewish people have been known to negotiate and if they didn't feel like everyone in the hood was trying to kill them, they most likely would make adjustments to some of the property taken during the war.

I think that's what Barry is trying to bring up. Can we have peace through the process of making a few compromises? I think any property adjustments would have to include a statement from Hamas and the PLO (do they still have an office?) that they no longer want to kill all the Jews.

Of course if the The Rapture does happen tomorrow then property rights become pretty obsolete issues to those of us who have been left behind. Since I am a huge God fan...but not so much an organized religion fan.....I feel confident that Sunday will roll around and the issue in Israel will still be an issue that needs resolution.

I think President Barry Obama and Prime Minister Benny Netanyahu can sit down today and figure some form of dialogue that gives Palestinians a sense of hope for a homeland. But of course any dialogue has to include the end of all hate messages coming from the Palestinians.

Is it possible to end the problems in Israel and have a lasting peace?

Is it possible that Fundamentalist Christians might not understand the theory that GOD IS LOVE and that THAT love extends to every man, woman, child and on the face of the earth....and every other form of life throughout the UNIVERSE.

ALL Organized religions underestimate GOD and that's simply because organized religions are always man-made.

I honestly believe that The United States and Israel can figure how some way to make PEACE a reality in the Middle East and if means giving up a little land then so be it.

Remove the barriers and establish a new harmony. Take away the verbage that keeps creating hositility and fear in the region. No more hate more death talk.

LOVE is the word and we know what it means.
It's time to start practicing the concept on a much larger scale.

See you Sunday..............somewhere.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Turn up your speakers

I suggest you hook up your Bose quad stereo system to the computer and turn it to the max and simply enjoy one of the great man made sounds in modern history. The first 15 seconds of this video is like attending an AC/DC concert. In fact, on their next tour the boys should use this sound to start the show.

Step on the gas...let's go to space!

Endeavor's last ride!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Orignial Neo-Illumination pieces

Didn't have Neo-Illumination name yet.

The original "Illumination" message came in less
than 20 seconds.
Painting took 4 1/2 years to finish.

The beginning of my Ne0-Illumination period.........1995 to ????????

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Friday, May 13, 2011

Thanks Phil.....

Everybody knows how important a good teacher is and you don't have to like basketball to appreciate that the Los Angeles Lakers had the best teacher in the history of professional sports.

In fact, basketball takes a very deep back seat when it comes to the talents of Philip Douglas Jackson from Deer Lodge, Montana.

Professor Phil's ability to handle the ridiculously innate questions from sports reporters constantly reassured me that higher forms of intelligence could be present in the world of professional athletics.

Of course many reporters and fans regard him as sarcastic and aloof.....and to those people I simply say......wake up!

The simple gesture of giving books to players every year probably explains Phil better than anything. He taught his players how to think....on and off the court. And having 11 championship rings proves that his methods were correct. He retires (maybe) with the knowledge that he is the most successful coach in the history of professional basketball.

John Wooden holds that distinction at the collegiate level but I think everyone would agree that coaching grown men, who are making millions of dollars, could represent problems that Dr. Wooden never had to face.

Phil's nickname is "The Zen Master" and that alone puts him in an entirely different category than any coach who ever lived. I imagine in the future we will have more and more coaches using his methods and becoming "mini zen masters" but the truth is.....Phil is the original.

I simply want to say thank you Phil for bringing an intelligence and sophistication to the city of Los Angeles. I'm not sure that you won't get the urge to coach again and if you do I think the city that gets your special energy will be forever grateful....except of course for the stupid reporters who don't have the slightest idea on how to ask the right questions.

I also think your sessions with Bill Macdonald before the Laker games were wonderful and you two might want to collaborate on a question and answer book summarizing your Laker years.

Thanks again are the best and the brightest of all the lights in professional sports.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Monday, May 9, 2011

Just trying to figure it out

I watched the first Republican debate the other night and I'm not really sure why they held it without any of the front runners and why didn't any of the front runners participate? It's so hard for me to figure out the Republican party. The hair on each of the candidates looks like it was ordered from central casting. Politicians are so good at not answering direct questions. I don't remember that class in school. "How to answer questions indirectly and still have people listen to you."

Donald Trump is the Republican Party fan favorite at this point and I would love to see him be the candidate for the GOP. How much fun would it be to riffle his feathers? And the bonus is he actually wears feathers on his head. If Sarah and Donald were the ticket for the Republican Party....I would have a full on mental woody.

The best odd part about The Donald ( and there's a nice size list of parts that lean to the odd) is that his corporations have declared four bankruptcies......FOUR TIMES HE HAS BEEN PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR A BUNCH OF PEOPLE LOSING A BUNCH OF MONEY...and because of corporate shields he can wash his hands and feel no remorse. How can he have the gonads to stand up in front of the American people and tell us that he knows how to run a country? Maybe his first job as President would be to declare bankruptcy and relieve America of its Chinese debt.

Seriously.....that might be The Donald Plan.

Maybe The Donald could just be a moderator on one of the debates.....that would be interesting.

I will apologize to the American public right now. I watch Celebrity Apprentice on my DVR and I'm not really sure why. I love Meatloaf but not really in this format. I keep waiting for them to show a video from Bat out of Hell.......but all they keep showing is The Meat bawling like a little girl.....

Anyway, the Presidential Race of 2012 is OFFICIALLY underway.

Pull up your chair, grab a sandwich and a pint of ale or 50 liters of Tequila and let the PARTY BEGIN!

Vomit gesture duly noted!

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

NPR and Rush Limbaugh

The country might be divided between who listens to NPR and who listens to Rush Limbaugh.

I guess the people that cause the most concern are the ones who only listen to Rush. If all your opinions and news are formed by only listening to Rush Limbaugh than you are a complete idiot. Not a partial idiot....BUT A COMPLETE IDIOT!

At least NPR has different people covering the stories. Limbaugh covers some of the same stories but the only opinion one Rush's.

NPR is 40 years old this week and the last six months have been challenging because the Republican Party has gone overboard on trying to eliminate any federal funding that helps support NPR.

I DEFY ANYONE WHO LISTENS TO RUSH TO LISTEN TO NPR FOR THREE DAYS....I guarantee your life will be softer, kinder and smarter. Just the vocal tones alone compared to Rush will make your days brighter. On top of that you will get to hear what true investigative reporting sounds like. You might not like what you hear but that's just because you are an idiot. Once you start listening to NPR you will cease being an idiot and you will become a well rounded individual.

Now I'm pretty sure there are no idiots reading this article so I feel like I'm talking to the wall.

If, on the other hand, you are one of the 20 million people who listen to Rush Limbaugh on a weekly basis I highly recommend you switch over and listen to NPR where 27 million people tune in every week.


O yeah....I forgot....there are a lot of idiots out there.

I think there should be a contest. Every Rush fan must listen to NPR for one week and then take a test. And every NPR fan must listen to Rush for one week and then take acid to try and help overcome the experience.

The winner of such a contest would be the United States of America.

How much better would this country be if there weren't so many idiots?

How cool would it be if Rush started listening to NPR.

Rush has probably made, in the last five years, the same kind of money that the government gives to NPR annually........around $500 million.

I can't believe I've spent the last ten mintues writing about Rush Limbaugh....

oh yeah I forgot.....




Michael Timothy McAlevey

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tough to be a middle child

So Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden bin dead for 24 hours was the 17th of 54 children. His dad, Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden bin dead since 1967, had eleven wives......and this isn't a Mickey Rooney story because Mickey never had his all at one time. Osama mother's name was Alia Ghanem and she was from Syria. What we don't get to read is how old the wives were when signing up for a life of leisure. My guess is that 13 or 14 is probably the cutoff age....anything older than that is used material. When Osama was 10 years old he inherited $300 million dollars. I wonder if each kid got that kind of coin or just the future terrorist Lion King.

What really bothers me is how much he and Yusuf Islam look alike! (Cat Stevens in case you've been under a rock or hiding in an Pakistani compound)

I wonder how soon the reality show will appear on network TV? You know someone filmed the event from start to finish. Mark Burnett would never let this kind of opportunity slip through the cracks.

I hope we find out who gets the $25 million dollar reward. I would love to learn that it's a 16 year grocery delivery boy from FADAD RALPHS down the street named.......Bobby bin Good.

This really has gone on far too long and I'm not referring to chasing Osama bin dead for 24 hours.......I'm talking about the hostility between Islam and Christianity.

I recommended it 10 years ago and I'm restating the idea.

There needs to be



and it needs to be televised and broadcast on a weekly basis until the bullsh..t stops. The bullsh..t involves hundreds of years of hostility caused by someone believing that they know exactly what GOD's will is.

The Christian and Islamic faith seem to have taken that belief to another level where violence and hostility are the only final solutions.

Judaism isn't any better in their belief system but the numbers are so small that it doesn't really matter what they believe....and they seem totally focused on protecting what they have and very little time trying to convince others to join the cause.

Christianity and Islam, on the other hand, have always made it a priority to bring others into their fold.

It is a Holy Recruiting War and it causes stress on a world wide basis. We need to call a peace treaty among the two major kick-ass and take no prisoner religions of world.

A COUNCIL OF FAITH needs to be called on a neutral site......probably somewhere where a lot of Buddhist hang out. Maybe the Dalia Lama could oversee it before he officially retires.

I think I'll call you have his cell phone number?

Michael Timothy McAlevey