Monday, May 23, 2011

The Beaver and the plot against Mel

THE BEAVER by Jodie Foster, starring Mel Gibson, is getting extremely short changed at the box office. After watching the film Saturday night I am further confused by the lack of attendance.

The film is important for anyone experiencing or knowing someone who is dealing with mental health problems. The film is important for anyone who has experienced the loss of a child, a brother or a sister. The film is important for anyone who has lost control of a business or a job. The film is important for anyone who has been involved in the breakup of a marriage and the destruction of a family unit.


Pirates of the Caribbean #4 took in $300 million on it's opening weekend.....The Beaver has been in theaters for about two weeks and probably hasn't done $1 million worth of business. I can't explain why no one is going to see this film except for the fact that Mel Gibson is being boycotted by the industry.

I personally think he deserves an Academy Award nomination for his role. Not only is it a compelling and believable performance, but when one mentally blends art and life together, than the fact that he decided to make this movie creates an experience that is much more impressive than a normal acting job.

Watching him on the screen and knowing the rumors about his off screen behavior makes the the film an exceptional piece of work.

I can't believe that industry executives would be able to squash a movie because they don't like the actor.....but that is exactly what this feels like.

I've read a few of the negative reviews and all I can say is that mental health problems can obviously create a ton of denial.

The reviews didn't make any sense....which further leads me to the opinion that some type of collusion is taking place in order to prevent this movie from reaching an audience.

I recommend this film to everyone of all ages, sex, religious affiliation, minor mental issues( yes that does include you) major and minor family problems and to anyone who just might be curious to see how much Mel Gibson has matured as an actor.

If we stopped watching movies and sports because of the erratic behavior of the talent then we would be left with very little to observe.

Imagine if we applied that type of bias to our politicians and our religious leaders.

Give Mel a break and go watch THE BEAVER!

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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