Monday, March 14, 2011

If AC/DC turns up on General Hospital

To be perfectly honest I'm not sure General Hospital is still on the air (yeah I know I could find out pretty easily but I don't want to) but if AC/DC suddenly turns up on that show, I think I might have to turn in my fan club membership. Of course I don't really have a fan club membership.....but I think you get my point.

I'm referring to the current appearances by rock legends into the world of reality television. First Steven Tyler takes over for Simon on American Idol (the show is leaps and bounds or screams and tones better than before) and then Meatloaf becomes a cast member of Celebrity Apprentice.

If Paul McCartney turn up as the new host of A Minute to Win It (no I don't watch it) and Bono decides to do Survivor, I'm going to throw away some legendary albums.

I'm really surprised that Meatloaf decided to do Mr. Trump's gig. I realize that you might not be that surprised but it seems most of the other players are linked to some strangeness or previous short celebrity stints.

MY GOD.....Meatloaf is...................... Meatloaf.

I just don't think he realizes how important he is to the Broadway Rock musical genre. I know it probably has another name but that's how I tag his music.

It could be on Broadway or it could at Staples Center or it could be blasting on the car radio going like a Bat out of Hell on 395.

I just didn't realize that his career had slipped to this level.

I have no idea what they get paid to be on The Donald's celebrity adventure but I sure hope it's a bunch.

The saddest part of the story is.....I'll watch the show until Marvin gets eliminated.

I can't believe they actually have a demographic searching for Meatloaf fans.....

And lo and behold.......they found one.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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