Thursday, December 31, 2009

Full on the last day and Blue besides

I find it pretty amazing that we end up with a full moon on the last day of 2009 and thus the last day of the decade. And then to throw a bit of hoopla on the situation, it turns out that tonight's full moon is a Blue Moon.

Now of course everybody knows what a Blue Moon is........but just in case....a Blue Moon is a full moon that has appeared twice in the same month. It happens approximately every 2 and one half years so it ain't like watching Haley's Comet, but it's still an interesting event that will allow you to kiss your partner, or your partner's friend, a little bit harder and a little bit longer.

In my case I'll read an extra chapter of the latest Dean Koontz novel.

By the way I am available for designated driver if the need arises. Of course if you are out of town you need to pay expenses and transportation which could end up in the thousands so I suggest you either stay home or have a cab companies phone number stamped on your forehead.

With the overwhelming amount of tattoo's being applied I don't think anyone will even notice. In fact having numbers printed on your forehead might be the next big fad.

Or Equations would be interesting. Some of them are very beautiful....if of course you think mathematical things can be beautiful. Math is so abstract for me that each one I look at just boggles my mind.

Two full moons in one month is making me a bit wacky.

Like I needed any help in that department!

My New Year's wish for you and everyone else I know or will know is that you get all the help you need to achieve the greatest things that can be imagined within your reality.

In other some of my artwork and

May all your dreams come true

Tomorrow I'll deal with the strange story of the 8 CIA agents who were killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan but for now I'll simply say.....

Happy New Year
Peace......if it is at all possible.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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