Monday, March 3, 2008

Texas to Ohio to Rhode Island

Tomorrow marks the potential end of the road for two candidates. Mike Huckabee will need to concede if he doesn't win Ohio and Texas.

Hillary Clinton will need to concede if she doesn't win Ohio and Texas.

Obviously Hillary will probably win one of those two states and then announce that she is ready to fight all the way to the Convention. I just don't see her throwing in the towel, but for party unity she needs to exhibit style, grace, intelligence and charm.

SHE MIGHT BE LACKING IN THREE OF THOSE CATEGORIES....and a sneak performance on SNL won't be enough to alter the elements that she lacks.

I honestly believe that she can't overcome the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton scenario. People are simply not going for the BCBC program.

There's a possibility that she could lose both Texas and Ohio even though I find it almost impossible to think Barack could win Texas. It's similar to McCain winning California in the general election.

All of this started on January 3rd and tomorrow, 60 days later, it ends with a bang.

Of course if Hillary wins Texas, Ohio and Rhode Island....the chaos will be huge.


Let's hold our breath.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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