Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hillarising once again

Hillary just won't go away.
Yesterday she eked out a win in Texas and whipped Barack in Ohio and Rhode Island.

Barack won Vermont.

Obviously people DO CARE who will answer the phone at 3 am in the White House. The story about Barack's chief financial officer talking to Canada seems to have had some impact. It would appear to be a political faux paus that needs to be corrected. Is he for or against NAFTA? Does anybody have an exact tally on the benefits of NAFTA? Obviously border towns in Texas are prospering but I'm not exactly sure why. To be truthful I'm not sure the American public really understands the positives and the negatives of NAFTA.

I sure don't.

It's official that John (Goldwater) McCain is now the Republican nominee for President of the United States.

It pains me to say this... but not only does he have a good chance of winning but the longer Hillary and Barack rip each other apart the easier it will be for him to mount an attack.

It was just a few short months ago that the Democratic Party looked like a lock for the election but the Hillary/Barack battle has leveled the playing field.

Howard Dean has a huge problem on his hands and unifying the party appears to be near impossible with the equal amount of delegates that both candidates control.

Ralph Nader made a comment last week...."that if the Democratic Party can't win the White House this year, they should disband and reorganize as a new PARTY."


Convincing one of the candidates to step aside seems to be the only answer and I don't see either one throwing in the the chaos will most likely continue all the way to the convention in Denver....and then the dreaded locked convention will probably take place and while it will prove to be politically will harm the Party in ways that can't be imagined.

MORE AMMUNITION FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. THEY HAVE PLENTY ALREADY AND A CONTINUED WAR BETWEEN CLINTON AND OBAMA WILL ONLY INCREASE THE CONFERS WITHIN THE ROVE (secretly retired) MACHINE....and only naive people believe his tactics are not being used. He is the ultimate AD man in politics and successful AD men in politics...are golden.

KARL ROVE is still the golden boy in Republican politics...and his new toy starts rolling today in Washington D.C. hooking up with his old toy.

John McCain starts his real campaign today at the White House. George will be showing him places and things that nobody else can see...and I'm sure after a few hours with George...John will have reinforced flak jackets and grenades, along with some tanks and F-16's. The big toys are now at John's disposal and all indications are....that he will use them.

BOYS AND THEIR TOYS and toys and their boys.......

Maybe it really is time to let a chick handle the reins. Even a chick that appears to have mucho rooster qualities.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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