I hate to regard those who observe Republican/Conservative ideals as enemies...but in fact when one is adamant regarding a political point of view then one must regard those with opposite points of view as the enemy.
It's not like a physical enemy but more like a spiritual combatant...attempting to destroy ideals and thoughts.
Yesterday one of the classy members of the "enemy" passed away at the age of 82.
WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY died at his desk....which is really a good place for the intelligentsia to step through when advancing to the next dimension.
I wonder what he was writing when Heaven made the final physical call?
I can honestly say that over the years he might be the ONLY Conservative that I actually listened to who not only would make me think...but would always make me laugh.
THE SMUG LOOKS THAT HE POSSESSED WERE LEGENDARY....and even when he was totally wrong on a point his smirk would always make me wonder.
I respected William Buckley's style in a way that I've reserved for no other Conservative thinker in this country. Obviously his Libertarian ideals struck a cord, as they should in any free thinking American....even though the reality of Libertarian ideals will never float in a two-party corporate dominated society...they do ring a certain chime in the inner sanctions of my politically curious mind.
I simply don't understand how anything can be paid for without Taxes.
Even though at the current time it seems that there is an alternative....and that alternative is called...
Unfortunately no one has figured out how to print more William F. Buckley's and that's a sad thing because I will have to listen to Conservatives for the rest of my life, and none of them will ever duplicate his style, grace and charm.
I realize he is responsible for the birth of many Conservative thinkers in this country and for that I scream with raucous horror. But he made those of us who classify ourselves as Liberal....smarter and better prepared for the battle.
Thank you Bill and good-bye. I know that Heaven will enjoy your company... even if you do try to change the basic game plan.
Michael Timothy McAlevey
It's not like a physical enemy but more like a spiritual combatant...attempting to destroy ideals and thoughts.
Yesterday one of the classy members of the "enemy" passed away at the age of 82.
WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY died at his desk....which is really a good place for the intelligentsia to step through when advancing to the next dimension.
I wonder what he was writing when Heaven made the final physical call?
I can honestly say that over the years he might be the ONLY Conservative that I actually listened to who not only would make me think...but would always make me laugh.
THE SMUG LOOKS THAT HE POSSESSED WERE LEGENDARY....and even when he was totally wrong on a point his smirk would always make me wonder.
I respected William Buckley's style in a way that I've reserved for no other Conservative thinker in this country. Obviously his Libertarian ideals struck a cord, as they should in any free thinking American....even though the reality of Libertarian ideals will never float in a two-party corporate dominated society...they do ring a certain chime in the inner sanctions of my politically curious mind.
I simply don't understand how anything can be paid for without Taxes.
Even though at the current time it seems that there is an alternative....and that alternative is called...
Unfortunately no one has figured out how to print more William F. Buckley's and that's a sad thing because I will have to listen to Conservatives for the rest of my life, and none of them will ever duplicate his style, grace and charm.
I realize he is responsible for the birth of many Conservative thinkers in this country and for that I scream with raucous horror. But he made those of us who classify ourselves as Liberal....smarter and better prepared for the battle.
Thank you Bill and good-bye. I know that Heaven will enjoy your company... even if you do try to change the basic game plan.
Michael Timothy McAlevey
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