Monday, July 2, 2007

The Rat beats everyone

Lots of money figures were announced over the weekend.....big money figures. And most likely some of those figures included dollars from either your pocket or someone very near and dear to you.

Barack garnered $32.5 million....just slightly ahead of the i phone which came in at $31 million (525,000 @ 600.00 which doesn't include activation fees and monthly service charges.)
a tad behind Die Hard 24 which hit $33 million and well ahead of Hillary who only reported a mere $27 million. Poor John Edwards could only panhandle $9 million and Dennis Kucinich received a boost from his Friday night appearance on David Letterman and announced that he had $89.43......and immediately said he would definitely win the election because ......"after all, have you checked out my wife?"

All this money flowing and the big winner was a Rat from France.....or should I say a rat from Disney.

Ratatouille pulled in $47 million over the weekend and kicked all those wanna bee's asses.

One important side issue to the Barack/Hillary story. On Sunday the Clinton campaign announced that her husband was getting ready to make his inaugural campaign appearance.
The private dinners with Spielberg and friends don't count. Watch out Barack...I hear the husband has some form of experience....on the campaign trail.

I wonder how many people running for President purchased an i phone and then went to see Ratatouille on Friday night, got home in time to watch Dennis on David, and then saw Die Hard on Saturday.

I bet King George and his dad got a private screening of Die Hard and showed it to Vladimir Putin over the weekend. King George and Vladimir were guests of George senior at his Kennebunkport compound.

I'm fairly certain they didn't watch the Rat from Disney.....and I'm positive that none of them helped with the coffers of Barack, Hillary and Mr. Edwards. Rumors are circulating that George Senior did send .58 cents to Dennis because.....he has seen his wife. But the real story is that Putin asked King George if he could get an i phone and little Georgie is quoted as answering with....

"Are you nuts Vlad....the lines will be ridiculous......wait a few weeks and I'll call my buddy Mitt and he can call his buddy who works for Apple and we'll send it to you....but you will have to pay for the shipping."

Vlad was heard mumbling something in Russian about "first the Missile Defense plan and now the i phone......why is America f..king with me?"

Then they went in and watched Die Hard.....and the answer became seriously clear......


You've got to love this country......................................or else!

Don't get me wrong.....I love my country and I feel extremely fortunate to have had America as one of the choices, where to be born....but since I it was my decision I think I'm free to bitch once in awhile.....just like you.

What we bitch about is probably different....but we still bitch about something all the time.

Maybe we should do a little less bitching and a little more listening and investigating.... and attempt to understand differences instead of forcing our beliefs on people who don't get to see
Ratatouille or Die Hard (except in real time) and who don't have the slighest idea what Dennis Kucinich's wife looks like....and who think George Bush has been President since 1988.

Of course if they had access to everything.....they would hide Dennis's wife in a Berka, they would have Bruce die in the movie and then on top of everything....they would eat the Rat from Disney.

It's a goofy world and I'm not helping matters......but I'm working towards reaching a level of harmony that is demonstrated by clicking on this link.....

And after all the money rolling in....please note that KAZIAH does it for FREE.


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