Tuesday, January 23, 2007

So the Pope just called.....

After reading yesterday's blog about THE NUNS I got a call today from THE VATICAN telling me to quit bitchin or they would send an entire bevy of them to my house....and they would be dressed for action.

Needless to say I am freaked out and I'm putting further comments about them....on hold.

Not to many people have weathered a battle against The Vatican....and I shall not even try....call me a coward but keep in mind I was taught about fear from the best.

One little side-bar issue.

When I was about 8 or 9 I was told that if I received Holy Communion and I had not confessed all of my sins...even if I had forgotten something by accident...that as I was walking back to my seat, my skin could turn black.

I have no idea what they told African Americans....of course the term African American didn't exist when I was 8 or 9.

Those NUNS were a hoot.
Sorry Popey.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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