Monday, January 22, 2007

How have they been ignored?

The humiliation suffered by the Catholic Church regarding their Priests has been documented far beyond anything I could say at this point. What truly amazes me is that there doesn't appear to be any lawsuits against their most violent and abusive members.....

Those members of the Catholic Church known as....... THE NUNS.

I had the unfortunate experience of being taught by THE NUNS from the first grade to the 8th grade. When I recall my grammar school days I can't remember any one in particular....I only remember how they all treated me. I can only remember one name....Sister Mary Margaret....I honestly think that each one of my teachers was named Sister Mary fact I think every one of THE NUNS that I ever knew was called Sister Mary Margaret.....

Now I admit at this point that I might have been a little smart ass....but I was a funny smart ass and I was never a mean kid.

The truth is....THE NUNS were so mean that some time in the last twenty years the Catholic Church just simply changed their entire MO. They moved out of the convents and into apartments and stopped wearing their habits. I can't remember the last time I saw a nun walking around in public...and I believe the reason is because the Catholic Church simply figured...."out of sight...out of mind." Knowing how freakin nuts many of the Priest were, the Church knew that sooner or later men would come forward and tell stories about how THE NUNS kicked the crap out of them and made their childhoods a living hell.

I never saw them beat a girl....and I'm not about to claim they did anything sexual to the young girls...but if THE NUNS had stuck that ruler up my ass instead of whacking me across the face...I'd be lining up for a huge sexual harassment payday. And the rulers back then were made of wood and had sharp metal edges.

THE NUNS were so mean and so pissed off that the Priests never came around except during recess. And then they quickly departed after kicking a few balls around, which turns out to exactly what they really were doing....or wanting to do. Who knew?

Imagine for a few minutes...if video cell phones had existed in 1954. OH MY GOD! THE NUNS would have a had a permanent show on 60 minutes. Every week there would have been a story that topped the one the week before.

Seriously these chicks were pissed off and uptight...and every so often a young pretty one would show up, but would suddenly disappear rather quickly. When they mention statistics regarding the lost of priests in the last 30 years...they never mention the numbers regarding the lost of THE NUNS because 0 from 0 equals zero.

I realize that there must be some Orders still operating....but they really are doing it on the cuff. And these few stories I'm about to tell you...are exactly why they have disappeared...or have been morphed into at least looking like normal people.

I was in the third grade, which would have made me the ripe old age of....9. The year was 1955 and our family had just recently moved from the Hollywood Hills to a small ranch/house in Sylmar. My mother had decided one day that she wanted to start feeding and cleaning up every type of farm animal alive....after having been born in Brentwood and raised in Hollywood. Of course what she really wanted was for my brother and I to feed and clean the animals. It was a lesson she thought we needed. Today I refuse to own an animal, because between the ages of 8 and 13 I cleaned up a lifetime of excrement from the bowels of both large and small animals...and I cleaned it up every freakin day. Chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, goats, horses and
dogs. So maybe everyday when I went to school I smelled like a goat...and THE NUNS just didn't like goats...God only knows.

Anyway I matriculated from Blessed Sacrament in Hollywood to St. Ferdinand's in San Fernando.

I can't tell you if THE NUNS were the same order, because they all looked alike and had the exact same name...Sister Mary Margaret. The only memory I have from Blessed Sacrament was wearing a sign for a week. The type of sign that hung over my neck...front and back. The sign said "I am a cheat." Apparently in the second grade I peeked at some one's paper during a test....I presume that's what I did, even though I have no recollection of the incident except for the sign....oh yeah, and also I do recall a lot of young cute girls pointing at me and older boys laughing very hard.

I'm fairly certain the following incident happened in the first few months of being in my new school.

Please note that in 1955 I had no idea what a human sexual experience was or what anybody was calling it....I had seen some strange animal moments but didn't even begin to know that stuff like that was also done by human beings. get the point. I was innocent.

One of the first things we had to do in class was to print our name on our "things." Our things consisted of books, plastic pencil and pen holders and rulers. As I mentioned earlier, the rulers were made of wood and had a nice sharp metal edge.

One morning shortly before recess I was looking around my desk and couldn't find my ruler.
As I was bending down to look around I heard my name being called by Sister Mary Margaret...."Timothy this your ruler?" I turned and looked toward the front where SMM was holding my ruler in the air with my name clearly printed on the ruler.
M C A L E V E Y. Of course I answered her immediately and said..."yes Sister I couldn't find it." She brought it down to her side and then said. "Come up here...right now." I remember her tone of voice being aggressive but in my limited experience (3 grades) every one of them seemed aggressive to me, so I didn't think too much about it, as I walked up to her platform desk. I don't know if it was an extra intimidation factor but all the classrooms had elevated platforms where THE NUNS desks would sit. As I approached SMM, standing on her elevated platform, I actually had to reach up to get the ruler, that I thought she would be handing to me. Please note one more time I was freakin nine.

As I reached up... she suddenly turned into freakin Babe Ruth and used my ruler to whack my face out of Yankee Stadium. WHACK....The sound still comes up sometimes when I'm watching TV or reading the paper....WHACK.

It's a good time to repeat my earlier statement....if she had stuck that ruler up my ass, instead of whacking me across the face....I'd be standing in line for the big pay day.....but because she was only abusive and not perverted, I am simply left with a which I will now return.

The sound scared the hell out of me, but having a brother who was four years older had made me somewhat used to sudden aggressive gestures....and I don't think I started crying right probably took 3 to 5 seconds before I broke down. The next thing I remember is being grabbed by the collarbone, which I think her fingers actually touched each other under the bone, and fully paralysed was led to the corner behind her desk and was pushed down and told "to face the corner and don't move an inch."

I remember sitting in the corner, on the floor, crying and wondering if the world had turned inside out and was this the end that they spoke about in Revelations. After all I was a Catholic and three years of Catholic School had drilled some major points home.

After awhile Sister Mary Margaret got relieved by another Sister Mary Margaret and off we went to the HEAD SISTER MARY MARGARET....THE PRINCIPLE'S OFFICE. I was put into a small office by myself next to the the HSMM's office....and told to sit there and be quiet. I'm going to respond on any level...I'm fairly certain that I was catatonic...after all I was 9 and had no idea what had just happened and couldn't even begin to wonder what had happened. I probably just sat in that little office and cried and cried and cried. The side of my face was throbbing and I couldn't even touch it without it throbbing harder.

Finally, after what seemed like a very long time, the door opened and my mom walked in. She looked at me and I'm pretty sure I saw her start crying, as she walked over and took me in her arms and held know that kind of hug that only a mom can deliver. The hug helped to calm me down but all I remember saying was...."I don't know what I did wrong.....I don't know what I did wrong.....I don't what I did wrong." She calmed me down and opened the door to an empty hallway and took my hand and walked me out to the parking lot, where we got in the car and went home.

It took a few days for me to find out what caused Sister Mary Margaret to turn into Sister Asshole and when I did find out it didn't mean anything to me....I still was naive and innocent.

Two weeks later at school, after the ruler mark finally cleared up, I learned the actual truth.

The class bully, Richard, came up to me one day and said...."so I guess you got it pretty bad for writing FUCK on your ruler. Which I did by the way, and if you tell anybody I'll kick the fuck out of you."

My mother explained to me later that she had pointed out to THE NUNS that my printing of my name was obviously different than the printing of the word F U C K on the back of the ruler....and that I actually didn't even know that word yet.

Which I didn't. So what this means is....the first time I got introduced to the word fuck I got the crap slapped out of me. Definitely might explain some things in my life.....but that's another story.

I don't remember Sister Mary Margaret apologizing to me....and in fact....another incident took place a few months later that might have also been committed by her....I really don't remember because they all looked alike and all of their names were SISTER MARY MARGARET ASSHOLE.

Enough for today....tomorrow another love story from THE NUNS.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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