Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Today I present a guest author on MIND JAZZ

His political history is well documented and while he has worked on multiple campaigns he is best known for having served 12 years as Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley's Press Secretary.

He feels very passionate about the upcoming Presidential election and after you read......

I'm sure you will agree....

We love America,
and we won't allow a mean, old man to desecrate or
destroy the treasured ideals this country holds dear.

We love America,
and we will not stay silent when a venal, dishonest man
lies constantly and twists the truth for his own gain.

We love America,
and we won't let a lazy-minded man put this country
in jeopardy by denying factual science and promoting
harmful, discredited "science."

We will fight back when a self-delusional, 
seven-decade-old spoiled brat tries to trash the reputations of U.S. diplomats, law-enforcement agents and national security pros.

We will stand firm and together against an insecure, 
bully-of-a-man who regularly spreads seeds of 
discontent and confusion to tear good people apart.

We will challenge any ignorant, self-centered 
man every time he tries to undermine our country's founding values of equal justice and freedom for all.

And, we will rise up as one when any reprehensible
man tries to upend the democratic tenet that 
nobody is above the law.

Our opposition to such behavior is resolute.

We believe in this country, and in the democratic principles
that are too precious for us to allow any misguided man
or any group to try to subvert or destroy them.

Our resistance will not be overcome.

We are here for the long-term.

We love democracy....and we are resolute in our opposition to anyone or anything that tries to harm it....

Thomas Joseph Sullivan
November 18 2019

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