Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Experience might count and then again....

Wrapping up the greatest defensive Super Bowl in history.

Facing the greatest team in Super Bowl history with the most successful coach and greatest quarterback could prove worthwhile in the long run IF they (Rams) can get back to the last game once more.

That's not a given by any means.

It is not an easy task to play in the last game of the season, no matter what the sport might be.

Of course I thought that the Rams were good enough to win but that thought has nothing to do with the actual reality of how the event concluded.

It was a great season and once more Boston takes down LA.

NOW ON TO MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES...but a lot less fun.

The race for the White House in 2020 has begun.

The current resident started campaigning last week.

The Democrats are starting to line up and currently I think 5 women have announced....and 3 men.

I'm still hoping that Mr. Biden realizes how much he is needed.

Each of the women has the talent but only one really has the experience and she will have to somehow overcome an issue dealing with ancestry.....

The raised voice argument I had today with my brother on the second hole of our weekly golf outing had to do with him calling Senator Warren a liar on her application to attend a certain college.  I countered with "the guy in the White House has lied 3000 times in two years and that's not an issue for you?"  He then proceeded to bring up Clinton lying about Monica.

Each of those two people are responsible for two lies....and yet that supersedes the current President of the United States telling a lie almost every time he talks.

For eight years I had to listen to my brother call Obama an asshole because of the increased deficit and when I ask him about the current deficit numbers and how a real asshole now runs our country and damages American's reputation throughout the world AND WHY THAT'S NOT AN ISSUE WITH HIM he answers by bringing up Clinton (Both Mr. and Mrs.)


I'm really looking forward to issues being addressed by people who know how to think and speak.

Let the games begin!

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