Thursday, February 28, 2019

How opposite's don't really attract

Watching Michael Cohen at the hearing on Wednesday was extremely compelling TV.

The Republicans only echoed Trump's campaign jargon....and never asked Mr. Cohen anything important.

The Democrats voiced their own agenda's and asked every detailed question possible.

A few simple facts......

the man was Donald Trump's personal lawyer for 10 years

Donny baby is a horrible judge of character 

this guy just walked all over President Biff's legacy 

 Donald J. Trump is the ultimate con man and he made Michael Cohen into the man he is today.

A guy on his way to prison........

The one thing I didn't know is that Michael was a Democrat while working for the Republican finance committee and they asked him to switch parties because it didn't look right.

Boy, does that seem pretty small potatoes compared to the stew he's in today.

But please note.....

The biggest liar in this entire story is the guy who looks like a bad ad for Florida vacations.

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