Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Lack of Islamic cartoonists might be the problem



A Rake's Progress, Plate 8, 1735, and retouched by Hogarth in 1763 by adding the Britannia emblem[2][3]
The pictorial satire of William Hogarth has been credited as the precursor to the political cartoon.[4] His pictures combined social criticism with sequential artistic scenes. A frequent target of his satire was the corruption of early 18th century British politics. An early satirical work was an Emblematical Print on the South Sea Scheme (c.1721), about the disastrous stock market crash of 1720 known as the South Sea Bubble, in which many English people lost a great deal of money.[5]
His art often had a strong moralizing element to it, such as in his masterpiece of 1735, A Rake's Progress. It consisted of eight pictures that depicted the reckless life of Tom Rakewell, the son of a rich merchant, who spends all of his money on luxurious living, services from sex workers, and gambling—the character's life ultimately ends in Bethlem Royal Hospital.[6]
However, his work was only tangentially politicized and was primarily regarded on its artistic merits. George Townshend, 1st Marquess Townshend produced some of the first overtly political cartoons and caricatures in the 1750s.[4][7]


Ben Franklin's Join or Die cartoon is credited with being a very early form of this type of political statement.  In 1754 this piece appeared in the Pennsylvania Gazette. Obvious intention although not very funny....but strange how it has a snake involved and those radical dickheads throughout the world always refer to us as The Snake. (And by the way....where's the Ben Franklin Movie?...sounds like a perfect role for Sir Tony Hopkins)

Personally I think the snake has gotten a fairly raw deal and it's obvious that The Bible has played a major role in how we "view" the serpent.

From what I've read about the amount of rats in NY and Paris, it might be a good idea to unleash a few million snakes into the sewer system of both cities and let them chow to their heart's delight.  Then we turn around and unleash a 100,000 mongooses and let them do their thing.  Then after they've finished we bring in about 500 Jackals and let them go nuts.  Then last but not least, we bring in those guys on the Hunting Cable Channel and tell them to finish the project.  We then cancel the cable show and everything gets back to normal.

adj. adjective
  1. Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical.
    normal room temperature; one's normal weight; normal diplomatic relations.
  2. Functioning or occurring in a natural way; lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies.
  3. Relating to or designating the normality of a solution.


adj. adjective
  1. Considered apart from concrete existence.
    an abstract concept.
  2. Not applied or practical; theoretical.
  3. Difficult to understand; abstruse.'s my point of this article.....
ISLAM does not allow humor when discussing their religion.  Therefore I'm thinking that because they think that the Koran is the written word of GOD they don't think GOD has a sense of humor.
THAT'S A MAJOR FLAW IN THEIR THINKING....and it's a flaw that needs to be addressed and corrected.
It doesn't do any good for non-Islamic cartoonists to create the satires...IT MUST BE DONE BY THEMSELVES.
As Joesph Campbell said...."Participate with joy in the sorrows of the world."
ISLAM needs to see that making fun of oneself is fundamental to being happy and a lot less uptight.
I think Pearls before Swine should be required reading in all Muslim countries.....on a daily basis.
But that's just me you see.
I'm a problem solver.
Michael Timothy McAlevey

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