Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I haven't met Molly but she sounds familiar

During the early 70's (no not the 1870's) there was an assortment of hallucinogenics that would appear and then disappear from the social network....and yes there was always a social network long before media kidnapped the term....and if one happen to be in the right place at the right time one could rest assured that said products were void of any harmful ingredients Ingredients that were used to cut the product in order to increase the amount of product were often the reasons that "bad trips" would occur....but in the beginning there was only pure light.

A few people, who are reading these words right now, know exactly what I mean when I say that I encountered PURITY on a few occasions during a short period of time, at that time.  The name that was given to the pure product I experienced was Mellow Jello.  The time frame was somewhere around the winter of 1972 or 1973.  Both those years run together in my memory bank due to my weaving and dodging and trying to reconcile that Richard Nixon was actually going to continue with his current position as leader of the free world.  During that period of time my writing name was Miles Tyson.

On a personal note it was after my first live in relationship (and yes we still communicate) and before my heart was exposed to an Egyptian/Irish whirling dervish (we are friends on FB) and four years before my one and only marriage, who after being divorced from since 1988 I can't seem to shake no matter what I say or do....which is ok because she is one of my best friends.

I'm going to pause for a second and let anyone who remembers our Mellow Jello experiences to take a deep breath....close your eyes..........and smile. 

Unfortunately I have no relationship with the person who brought Mellow Jello into my environment but at the time she was a very beautiful dark haired hypnotic lunatic, who told those of us on Creek Rd in Fairfax, California that the drug had been manufactured by a local chemist, for the specific intention of supplying the Hell's Angels with a tool that would soften their views on how life should be conducted.  She said that no one was supposed to have the drug except the Hell's Angels but that since she had a relationship with one the leaders she was able to secure a limited amount of pills.

Obviously she could have been lying through her teeth but since she was so cute her story was bought without the slightest bit of reservations.

For about three months she shared her good fortune and in turn I shared my good fortune and as a result I can tell you without question or qualms, that my experiences with Mellow Jello were by far and away the most exotic drug moments of my life.

I've had many better exotic moments in my life......but only as a result of love.....not drugs.

Mello Jello created instant love.

I do classify it as an hallucinogenic but in truth it wasn't anything like LSD or Mescaline because it didn't have an intense climbup with an more intense climbdown but instead it made everything physical feel magical without stretching the boundaries of  personal mental parameters.

My LSD experiences were legendary (within my own realm of course) but my Mellow Jello experiences were magical and memorable and I'll always recall the details....whereas, with acid there would be periods of time that were not memorable but simply moments in which hanging on was the only recourse.

I always came out of the crystal cave but some people I know aren't quite sure that is true.

Of course the dispensing vixen of 1973 disappeared shortly after she arrived and never again did I hear anyone mention the words Mellow Jello or have the slightest idea how to secure the product.

I do know that the Hell's Angels never had a public repeat of their 1969 Altamont incident. I'm sure their members didn't start wearing suits and maybe Mellow Jello did help calm them down for awhile.....or until the purity of the product was compromised due to expanded distribution.

I've been reading about Molly and it sounds like Mellow Jello and Molly both belong to the same family chemical tree.
I've never tried Ecstacy but when I first heard about it years ago, it sounded like Mellow Jello and then negative reports begin to appear.

 Back in the 70's there was a repeated appearance of a drug called MDA....with the common ingredients being SEROTONIN, DOPAMINE and I've reached the following conclusion.

I think pure Molly might be the new Mellow Jello.

How interesting would it have been in the 70's to say....."hey, do you want to eat Molly."

I remember a few babes called Molly and my answer would have been....YES!

Molly is described in it's original form as a Yellow-Amber crystal
Mellow Jello came in a transparent capsule and was a beautiful clear yellow-amber jell that could be poured into tea. that I think about it...the beautiful lunatic girl's name was MOLLY.

I know it sounds like I might be interested in meeting Molly again but that's really not the point of this piece.

Who am I kidding?

Does anyone have Molly's cellphone number?

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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