Friday, April 6, 2012

Yahoo, Google and why isn't there enough to go around

I obviously use Google for my blog home but I still use Yahoo for my browser. I realize that Google Chrome seems to be a preferred browser but after I changed computers and quit using Safari, I decided to give my original browser, Yahoo, a repeat visit and have used it for the last two years.

Yesterday Yahoo announced that they were cutting 2,000 jobs. Last year Yahoo had revenue of $4.98 BILLION and there share of online ad revenue was 9.5%

700 million people visit Yahoo websites every month.

Yahoo has 14,000 people working for them and produce around $353,000 per employee. Google and Facebook produce $1.2 million per employee.

Keep this in mind.....I have used Google, Facebook and Yahoo for multiple years and have never paid them one cent and have never purchased anything from any ad ever posted on their sites.

If advertising money runs the Internet media machines then one would think a company generating $5 Billion a year would have plenty of money floating around without having to make cuts to their workforce.

This simply sounds like an attempt to pump up the $15.00 stock price. Google shares are $600 plus. Facebook is gearing up for their IPO and I imagine it will be a healthy number.

I like Yahoo Mail and have used that service since they first started 15 years ago. I probably use Wikipedia more than Google when I seek information but Google Earth might be my favorite site on the Internet.

I don't text and I don't Twitter so I'm a bit short on the hand held phone tools which seem to dominate everybody's life. If I have a need to communicate I simply dial the number and say hello. I used to write letters that traveled over land and water. I now write e-mails or send a message on Facebook.

I actually answer the phone when it rings because I enjoy listening to the voices in my life. With caller ID I can avoid the voices that just want to waste my time.

I understand why texting is popular but so many times I'm with someone and they zone out while texting and I think it's flat out rude. Imagine talking to someone and without saying anything you take out a pad and start writing a letter to someone else while the person you are talking to just stands there. The proper etiquette would be to excuse oneself and step away while conducing the business of communicating with someone who is not in your physical presence.

And when I see someone thumbing their phone while driving a car I literally think my head might explode.

Also the idea of LANL at TSOTG JSLCB. The COLANL has it's upside if I'm traveling to an ID but I see NNVOTH so FI.

Go ahead and take a few minutes and decipher my texting abreviations. The winner gets a PVTH.

I just looked up the standard Text abbreviations and discovered that there is no standard.


I've decided that texting is even sillier than I thought


Seriously, there's no standard dictionary for texting except the few obvious expressions!


What the fuck is Webster's thinking?

Maybe Yahoo could patent the STD (Standard TEXT Dictionary) and rehire the 2000 people to help organize it.


I'm just trying to help my home page browser.



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