Dark Energy makes up 73% of the Universe
Dark Matter...23%
all visible matter........4%
4% is our visible reality!
Dark Energy is an unexplained force in the world of physics and thus neither you or I have the slightest idea about it's true nature.
Actually I do have an idea but you wouldn't believe it if I told you.
We do know there are two fields in which things can be explained through the world of physics........the field of Quantum Mechanics and the field of General Relativity.
Basically the BIG picture and the LITTLE picture. Einstein developed the BIG picture and multiple brainiacs are credited with the LITTLE guy....with the main star being Werner Heisenberg. Max Planck actually came up with the Quantum Mechanics name but
Max Born, Wolfgang Pauli and Neils Bohr are equally important in the formulation of the theory.
Schrodinger's cat experiment......(click on title of this piece)
helped further the process of trying to understand what Quantum Mechanics was...but if that comes up at a cocktail party I think it's time to go see a movie.
Lately I've been reading about nanobots in relationship to nanotechnology manufacturing and I seriously have some questions regarding safety. The human body is very sensitive and regulating construction of products by tiny robots might not be a process left in the hands of multi-national corporuptions whose sole goal is to increase profits.
I realize that sounds like the unibomber but anytime someone questions corporate reality then the next steps are disclaimers followed by car accidents and private plane crashes. With nanobots being injected into ANYTHING then anything becomes possible and usually when anything becomes possible then someone arrives on the scene that shouldn't be involved in the process of determining what is good and not good for the welfare of human beings.
I read that 300 BILLION nanobots can fit on the size of the period which ends this sentence.
I think I've got off point but every since that Neutrino story last week....things have been wacky and moving way too fast......and now I find out that 96% of the Universe is made up of energy and matter that we can't see.
I knew the figure was high but 96%????????????
And then Steve Jobs dies and a big bite is taken out of the Apple. I have a feeling that in his non-physical reality he will be enjoying some amazing interaction with both Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
Please keep in mind that Dark is not a negative word.....it's just dark.
Do you personally know anyone who has won a Nobel prize?
Can I get their cell phone number?
Michael Timothy McAlevey
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