Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can't stop the bullshit rhetoric and all it does is cause tension. His latest quote regarding Israel was...."You have no place in our region and among our nations, and you will not be able to continue your ignominious life on even a small part of the Palestinian territories."
To say something like that is simply proof that he has no concept of history.
Jews have been a part of that region since......well, since the beginning of recorded history.
The Qur'an acknowledges Abraham and Moses as great Prophets.....where does Ahmandinejad think they lived......Miami Beach? Judaism was the first monotheistic religion and if not for that concept, Allah would be just be another of the multiple others worshiped by homo sapiens.
To say that Jews don't belong in that region is pretty much like saying Meatloaf isn't one of the greatest rock and roll singers of all time.
What doesn't belong in that region is ignorance and intolerance....and the President of Iran seems to the leader of those two traits.
By the way the Qur'an limits the amount of wives a man can have to......four.
I don't know why I brought that up other than the fact that it just seems very odd....and is probably a fact that most people don't know.
I can't imagine how much information in the Qur'an is not known by the average Christian.
Maybe both sides should be required to read each other's books of fantasy.
In the meantime...the President of Iran should try taking a vow of silence....and let people who know what's going on reach an accord that will offer some semblance of peace to a region where everybody seems to belong.
Michael Timothy McAlevey