Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Maybe the Richest Man in the world and you might play on his golf course

Considering that the United States froze $65 BILLION of Mr. Kadafi's money and he's still managing to operate without a problem....I think it's safe to assume that he might be the richest man in the world. Everything you read about regarding Libya's investments throughout the world are in fact Kadafi's investments. So therefore when you find out that Libya controls 60% of Bahrain's Arab Banking Corporation you actually can understand that Kadafi has the control.

Then when you start looking around the globe you find that Libya (Kadafi) has investments in every nook and cranny. African oil companies, pipelines, telecommunication firms, hotels, refineries and real estate have all seen Libyian (Kadafi) investments over the last 6 years.

Russian, China and India abstained on the UN Security Council's sanction of Libya which means that their personal involvement both ways is quite deep.

Now considering the way multi-national corporuptions do business I would not be surprised by anything that comes to light regarding Kadafi's interest.


Libya in the last ten years has invested (through dummy corporuptions) in Jack-in-the-Box, J.C.Penny, Pebble Beach Golf Club, Goldman Sachs, Tiffany's, General Motors, Ford, Safeway, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and on and on and on and on AND ON AND ON........and I haven't gotten to the OIL COMPANIES.

How much stock in BP do you think Kadafi owns? How about Chevron?


Stock purchases through foreign brokerage houses and banks are done every single day of the year. If Kadafi has the right people working for him then he could be invested in your house and your car and your golf course and your grocery store.

I wouldn't be shocked to find out that he owns Donald Trump's golf courses....after all Donald does like to play with other people's money.

And everybody has deep and honorable principles until the cash shows up at the door step.

Therefore I am announcing right now that if Kadafi wants to buy some of my artwork I'm saying flat out.....


But then some gallery owner calls me next week and wants to buy everything and nobody knows that the gallery is one of 50 that Mo Kadafi has bought in the last 20 years.

Can you imagine the collection of artwork he must own. Many auctions are controlled by telephone bids and nobody knows who they are because the purchases are made through agents.....and when was the last time you met an agent who wouldn't sell his grandma if his client would benefit?

Crap....Kadafi probably owns The Louvre and The Grand Ole Opry.

Next thing we will learn is that we still buy oil from Libya (Kadafi) on a daily basis.

Please tell me that's not possible!


Michael Timothy McAlevey

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