Monday, April 25, 2011

33 and still counting moments

Dear Sean

33 years ago came into our lives. So many wonderful moments and most definitely not enough time. But time plays such a silly game with the human mind. There are moments that feel like yesterday.....when you would be across the street at Douglas Park throwing the baseball up in the air and making great the age of 5.

I can think of hundreds of moments that happened years ago and yet the image is like a recent Blu-ray movie. The circuits in the brain are wired quite strongly when it comes to recalling children's growing up moments. And then when those moments are abruptly ended...those circuits grow in bandwidth by leaps and bounds. The moments that were suppose to be just happy memories turn into Michael Bay action movie moments. Those wonderful report cards turn into straight A's. Those great plays at shortstop make Cal Ripken look like a nerd. Those games you pitched in Little League rival anything Nolan Ryan ever did. Your calm attitude makes Gandhi seem nervous and your writing skills approach F. Scott Fitzgerald's talent.

In other words......your physical life was perfect within the area between my two ears. And it still seems as perfect today as it did the day you were born.....which is today.....33 years later.

I will always hold you in the highest possible regard. And that happens to be a very easy thing to do because you actually did a really great job with everything you tried.

The moments you created for me to remember are some of the best moments of my life....and those moments just keep on giving.

Happy Earth Birthday Sean.........



Michael Timothy McAlevey

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