Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Screwed by our financial heroes and teachers

The documentary film INSIDE JOB by Charles Ferguson does more to open eyes, regarding the 2008 financial melt down, than any report that could be formulated by government commissions. First off, no one reads any report that a commission writes but people will go to see a film...even when it only plays at the local art house theater.

The magic word that jumps out while trying to understand the current massive monetary chaotic situation is DE-REGULATION.

It started under Ronnie and has continued right up to Barack.

The fact that many of the people involved in allowing all the bullshit to take place are ACADEMIC leaders is really a sad state of affairs.

Harvard is well represented as are numerous other well respected colleges.

The fact that no one has been indicted and no one has been forced to return any money makes this the biggest rip-off in history. At least in the Saving and Loan fiasco people got arrested and fines were levied.

It's a film that should be required viewing for all High School seniors.

How to control personal greed has always been and will always be the main issue when discussing how a Free Enterprise System ( Capitalism) could and should operate.

It can be tweaked but every time anybody tries to put regulations in place the dreaded word SOCIALISM emerges and then the ultimate evil word follows...COMMUNISM.

DE-REGULATION is the backbone of conservative financial opinion and from my viewpoint every De-regulated economist has his or her head completely up his or her ass.

Allowing the Derivative Markets to go completely unchecked was the stupidest thing anyone could have done.....and it appears that some of the smartest minds in the country were involved in the charade.......AND THEY STILL THINK IT WAS OK.

And the fact that many of them made millions of dollars and they still have not been arrested


Michael Timothy McAlevey

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