Sunday, October 17, 2010

Interesting Book

The Poet Prince by Kathleen McGowan.

I love the idea that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus and not some harlot that he saved from being stoned to death. There are so many questions regarding changes the Catholic Church made during the Dark Ages that it makes sense one of those changes was to alter Mary's role in the life of Jesus. After all, if The Pope suddenly decided in the 7th Century that priest can no longer be married than it's important to say that Jesus did not have a woman.

Most people seem to be aware that quite a few of the Popes, for about 700 years, were total whack jobs.

Ms. McGowan smartly ties the art work from The Renaissance into the secret societies that have been preserving the truth about Ms Magdalene. The story does some wonderful time traveling between today and the 15th Century.

One of the fun aspects of reading her work, which happens to be the third in a series, is to download the specific pieces of art by Botticelli and Michaelangelo and look for the items that tie the story together. The models used by Botticelli are intertwined with the theories on Mary's true position in the life of Jesus of Nazareth.

If you have any interest in The Renaissance I highly recommend this book. It's a new and different perspective on how some of the greatest art ever created....was actually created.

And it is also a wonderful love story.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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