Monday, July 5, 2010

Robert Anton Wilson....Professor of Big Brains

1 comment:

Jon Sobol said...

the way i see have two options:
1. take a psychedelic drug
2. meditate

in option 2, i believe this is like climbing a huge mountain and upon reaching the top, seeing whatever it is you see and being enlightened and achieving a higher level of being having experience both this terrific climb and the view from the peak. however, once you've reached the top, you realize that climbing down is too difficult and so you sit at the top and wait for others to join you (buddhist monks as an example) isolating yourself but learning more and more each day about this amazing thing you've accomplished and the tremendous panoramic view which allows you to delve further into yourself.

in option 1, i feel that it is akin to taking a helicopter to the top of the mountain. the journey is short and intense and at the end of those few hours of seeing this new perspective of the world, you take your helicopter down back to the real world aka the foot of the mountain. your memories remain and you look up at the mountain appreciatively, thankful for the view and the insight you've obtained. however, you are back at the foot of the mountain because you realize that that is where everybody is and hopefully you can use your experience to help others learn and achieve and be better because you realize your responsibility is to mankind and not to the mountain.

so fuck that, i'm not going to sit at the top of a mountain and freeze my butt off waiting for everyone else.