Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shaun, Shani, Lindsay....Julia and Chad

Big day for hard workers.

Julia Mancuso might have been the biggest surprise by finishing second in the downhill. She won the gold medal in the Giant Slalom at the 2006 Torino Olympics, but wasn't expected to medal in the downhill in Vancouver. Chad Hedrick quietly won his fourth Olympic medal by finishing third in the 1000 meter speedskating.

The other three athletes would have been considered unsuccessful with a silver or bronze medal.

Shani Davis is the first American to win back to back gold in the 1000 meter speedskating event.

Watching Lindsay Vonn cry in her husband's arms was worth the price of admission. The fact that they had it miked was a huge bonus for all of us sappy viewers.

Shaun White seems to be in his own league.....and it has huge air and hair.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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