Friday, February 19, 2010

Evan's work ethic pays off and Johnny gets robbed

Evan Lysacek beat the defending champ Evgeni Plushenko by a very narrow margin
and the next few days will be filled with QUAD debaters. Should a male win the gold
without doing a Quad?

I think if we replay both skaters it will be easier to determine the tiny flaws. I don't have an opinion on the Quad issue because I look for the entire program being as clean as possible.

Evan just looks cooler on the ice......and that's all I got on that matter.

Johnny Weir finished sixth and the fact that he didn't move up after his performance is simply a raw deal.

Plushenko said yesterday that he would be happy with any color medal so we shouldn't feel too bad for the ruskie.

There hasn't been any talk about Evan and Tanith Belbin dating so maybe that cooled down.

I'm sure we will find out in the next few days.

I know you can't wait to find out more about the love life of Evan and Tanith.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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