Monday, December 21, 2009

STYLE and ...............some of these

My blog is called MIND JAZZ for a reason. Jack Neworth, the noted local Santa Monica columnist, who suggested that term over three years ago when describing how I write, deserves full credit for the name. Whether or not Jack appreciates my style is still up for review. Since he is a literary artist I think he appreciates alternative styles.

Alternative style has always been the "glitch" in my "hitch."

The alternative "hitch" being more of the way I do certain things, particularly in my writing and my art, then in musical preferences. Therefore none of this has anything to do with music so if you need to is the time.

Still here?

Please refer back to the end of the last paragraph to visualize where this article is headed.
Note the multiple periods, or dots, between the word bail and the word now.

Obviously the three dot ... grammatical tool is called an ELLIPSIS

ELLIPSISGRANDEXTREMISM........... since I was a very young person.


You also will note that I suffer from CAPITOLGRANDEXTREMISM on a regular basis.

I also used to intentionally not tie my shoe laces when I was in grammar school because I liked the look. The nuns generally had a conniption when I explained that................. "it was my style."

I realize that whoever might be reading what I write could pause and never return to the piece.......just like the nuns would stop talking to me and send me to the nearest corner to meditate on my odd ways.

It's a chance one takes when one records anything or says something to a nun that isn't part of their daily habit.

Wkipedia insert
Ellipsis (plural ellipses; from the Greek: ἔλλειψις, élleipsis, "omission") is a mark or series of marks that usually indicate an intentional omission of a word or a phrase from the original text. An ellipsis can also be used to indicate a pause in speech, an unfinished thought, or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence (aposiopesis) (apostrophe and elipsis mixed). The ellipsis calls for a slight pause in speech.

OBVIOUSLY SOMETIMES I WANT THE READER TO PAUSE BEYOND A NORMAL AMOUNT OF TIME..........and the only way, I see that happening, is if I create that pause...........with a bunch of these....................

I think it comes down to the art of making a pun intended, but one created none the less.

Interestingly enough Wikipedia states the following.
On the Internet and in text messaging

The ellipsis is one of the favorite constructions of internet chat rooms, and has evolved over the past ten years into a staple of text-messaging. Though an ellipsis is technically complete with three periods (...), its rise in popularity as a "trailing-off" or "silence" indicator, particularly in mid-20th century comic strip and comic book prose writing, has led to expanded uses online. It has been used in new ways online, sometimes at the end of a message "to signal that the rest of the message is forthcoming." [5]

Today, extended ellipsis of two, seven, ten, or even dozens of periods have become common constructions in internet chat rooms and text messages.[6]

"Elliptical commas", or, commas used in plurality for the effect of ellipsis or multiple ellipsis, have also grown in popularity online—though no style journal or manual has yet embraced them.[6]

I do try to tone down the
when writing a script because script readers are usually recent college graduates and structure is extremely important to their freshly schooled minds.

Most of the time the only people who read my scripts are very close friends and they either like the story or don't like the story and I hear very little about grammatical references..........but maybe they have them and hesitate about sharing......humm.

My ELLIPSISGRANDEXTREMISM might be a problem that needs to be addressed. I wonder if there are organized meetings for this type of problem.

"Hello my name is Michael Timothy and I have..............Eliipsisgrandextremism"

The response would probably be......................"WGAFF"

If you don't know what WGAFF means.........figure it out.

Well....... back to something a bit more important....................maybe!

It's only 10 days to the end of another year and the end of another decade

Tomorrow I'll point how why this decade moved so fast.........and then listen to certain people tell me that they all move fast.

But today I just want to end on a certain .

Just one because I'm trying to work on my ELLIPSISGRANDEXTREMISM........ok?

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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