Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Decade and the future

I was going to pontificate on why the last decade moved so quickly but then realized the older one gets the faster a decade moves and decided WGAFF.

Obviously there were large events during the last decade and if you don't remember them then you are steps ahead of me in the process of living in the "now" or always looking forward to the next challenge or the next rainbow.

Do you actually know anybody who looks forward to rainbows? They are very hard to predict unless you have a hose and the right sun angle so I doubt if you know anybody like that. Of course you could have a relative in one of those places where rainbow sightings have nothing to do with weather.....much like nightmares have nothing to do with dreams.

Now that I've brought it up.......are there still Insane-asylums?

I realize the word has been replaced by Mental Hospital OR Nursing Home for the Wacky but I wonder when the term was removed from dictionaries?

When I was growing up there was always the Insane-asylum waiting in the background for those of us who didn't behave ourselves. But it seemed to be spelled another way. Obviously I can't verify the spelling if it no longer resides in the dictionary.

I honestly remember nuns threatening me with words like....."Timmmmy you are going to end up in an Insane-asylum if you don't start behaving."

I realize I blame a lot of my baggage on the nuns but gee-whiz they worked us like the putty we were....and lots of their bs stuck big time in certain corners of my mind.

If you are under 60 and didn't get taught by nuns then you have no idea what I'm talking about.

I wonder how many Bi-Polar people were sent to Insane-asylums back in the day? It had to be extremely weird for a Bi-Polar person to be incarcerated with totally insane people. Keep in mind that Bi-Polar people have extensive times of being "normal" during any given time period.

A "normal time period" can last for days or maybe even weeks.

This is the kind of thing that happens when I look back.

So study the last decade and determine what was the most important things for you and then grab your ass and hold on for the next one and if you are lucky you'll get through it with no scars and no visits to the Insane-asylum.

The things we have to look toward.....are much more interesting to me.


Healthy food will be much more important to the average American.

Individual farming will be common place and land away from municipalities will be highly coveted.

Cell phones will not be placed next to the ear.........ever.

Apple computers will be so thin and large that separate rooms will have to be created for the computer. Desks will only hold the wireless keyboard.

3D television viewing will be common place and the glasses will be sold at optometry a wide range of prices.

Tiger Woods and Michelle Obama will get married and start a special foundation for God only knows what. (That actually might not happen until the decade after the one starting next week)

Barack Obama will end up with Diane Sawyers daughter but again that might be two decades away.

Human Growth Hormones will be finally understood by the public and will be used on a regular basis by anyone who can afford them. They will be very expensive until generic HGH comes along. Generic HGH will have flaws very similar to regular human activity.

I will still not be able to break 80

Politicians will be finally figured out as being corrupt and be eliminated from decision making processes. Internet Voting will replace them regarding decisions. They will still be physically present because someone needs to fill the seats in the senate. After all it's a great room and it does have a lot of history.

I'll continue this application to the Insane-asylum tomorrow.....right now I've got to do some last minute shopping.

Oh wait a's only the 23rd. I still have tomorrow.

God willing of course.

Have you seen Avatar yet? It's only made $350 million worldwide.....Mr. Cameron needs your help so that he can enjoy the next decade in grand style.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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