Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The tables have really been turned

Yesterday at the golf course a small group of his friends and three of his sons celebrated Dad's 90th birthday.

While we sat around and waited for a NON-SHOW soft stripper, I had the pleasure of listening to an entire table of Bush/Cheney supporters.

We were having a girl dressed as a nurse come in to the clubhouse and tell Dad that he wasn't suppose to be playing golf yet....she was then going to strip down to a bathing suit and sing him a happy birthday mail gram.

It turns out the young lady said she had car trouble but I suspect "steroids" or some other recreational any event she didn't show up and it quickly occurred to me how deeply I was outnumbered in the political arena.

After listening to how Obama has completely messed up out country in eight months...which is really amazing when you stop to think about it...I finally chirped in with one small statement.

"It must be great to finally be on the other side after eight years of defense...attacking is so much more fun than defending."

One of the big differences is that WE, during our eight years of attacking, had two major targets in the White House. No matter what anyone says about Uncle Joe Biden and his occasional honest remarks, he pails in comparison to the Real Dick for newsworthy dribble.

In fact, sometimes when Joe speaks he sounds a little bit like a Republican newscaster in the Sean Hannity realm.

By the way Bill O'Reilly was on some talk show yesterday responding to Brad Pitt being on Bill Maher's show. I only saw a few seconds of it but Mr. O'Reilly flat out stated that marijuana was easily the most dangerous drug of all the drugs being consumed.


Obviously he has never read the statistics regarding alcohol....and he's never seen anyone who is using meth....and on and on and on.....

Pot is so far down the list of dangerous drugs that it almost falls off the list.

Like I's so much more fun being in the attack mode.

But I do suspect that our no-show stripper was probably hitting the bong and couldn't find her car keys.

There also could be another story here concerning a girl who was trying to get her nerve up to go on her first assignment and she literally imploded and couldn't get out of the house.

Dad seemed to get a kick out of the no-show story and while he might have wanted to see it 90 that want probably doesn't last longer than 20 or 30 seconds.

He also got to listen to fellow Republicans bash the President so all in all it was a good day for him.

Maybe for his 91st we will find a company whose employees have a way of getting to work.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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