Friday, May 1, 2009


As always the year is advancing rather quickly. Soon we will be celebrating 2010 and wondering what the heck happened to 2009.

While the economy is stumbling there are still wonderful stories happening on a daily basis. Some people are having banner years and some people are falling in love and getting married and some people are having babies and celebrating life in ways they never though imaginable. Some people are writing stories and making movies and some people are writing songs and some people are creating art...and some people are even playing golf on a regular basis.

Of course some people are studying very hard and other people are looking for jobs or at least wondering what jobs might be available....and some people are wondering about grad school.

No matter what anyone is doing 2009 is now five months in and moving quickly.

There is still time to make 2009 the most rewarding year of your life.

DIET, EXERCISE and PRAYER or meditation if you prefer
are the three methods for optimizing your existence and when you slow down and think about it
you know
it's true

Creativity flows from right thinking and right thinking flows from right living and the circle gets bigger and the goals get larger and the rewards become

Today's "article" is my Hallmark birthday wish for Robert McShane

Happy Birthday Dude.


Michael Timothy McAlevey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Uncle Tim. After having read your article, I feel I can walk with my head a bit higher today knowing that I have the privilege of thinking about ALL of these things- particularly at this stage in my life. This birthday shout-out reminded me of my parent's atribution to you in their marriage. I think it has to do with dropping my Mon off at Kings Liquor?? Well, I greatly appreciate your dedication and I can say with deep gratitude that this article means more to me than any hallmark birthday card I'll recieve. Love you!!

Your nephew,