Saturday, May 3, 2008


A rather long obituary appeared in last Wednesday's LA TIMES.



Obviously there are many reasons why that story caught my eye....with some of those reasons being none of your business.

The dates involved in the discovery are April 16, 1936 and April 19, 1936. April 19, 1936 is regarded as BICYCLE DAY by proponents of LSD. Apparently that was the day that Hofmann was taken home on a bicycle because he was hallucinating.....after accidentally licking his fingers from some ERGOT experiment.

ERGOT is a fungus that grows on rye, barley and certain other plants.

Adds a new dimension to the phrase...."I'll have that on Rye....PLease"

It wasn't until the early 60's that Timothy Leary hooked up with Hofmann and started using the PRODUCT for other things....

It wasn't until 1969 that I encountered what Albert had uncovered in 1936.

My question is....WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH LSD BETWEEN 1936 AND 1962? Who was using it and for what reasons?

I'm sure the military can answer some of those questions....but I'm pretty sure they won't.

ONE HUNDRED AND TWO YEARS OLD......I wonder how much his longevity has to do with LSD?

So many questions.....but my teeth are starting to hurt so I've got to stop now.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And did he have off-spring and are they whole. Every time one of our kids acts strange H and I experience a guilt trip then realize we were strange before LSD and need to allow them their strange space too.