Monday, April 21, 2008


I think it's appropriate that Earth Day falls on the Pennsylvania Primary. The next generation of earth consciousness could very much depend on what happens in Philly and other towns in the state where it all started.

Listening to both sides it sounds like Hillary will win the state but not by the margin she hoped for...and how that plays out with the Super Delegates remains to be seen.

This is the largest Primary left on the agenda so it does matter, but apparently Hillary has to win by 15 to 20 points for it to really matter....and I'm not quite sure why. It's 158 Delegates and if she wins then the count becomes extremely close.

If Barack upsets the apple cart and somehow pulls off a victory then it's all over but the moaning and groaning.

Someone has to call uncle pretty soon because if this goes to the Convention the party will be in shambles......unless of course John Edwards comes to the rescue and saves the Party on a second ballot.......

ok....I realize that sounds like I'm smoking something but it would have to be a residual effect from previous times in my life.

BACK TO EARTH DAY.......although Earth Day has been celebrated since two weeks ago the original EARTH DAY is APRIL 22.....

There will be other celebrations this coming weekend but tomorrow ( or Today) we should all take a few minutes and just honor the grand old lady.....MOTHER EARTH.

And then watch the returns come in from Pennsylvania.....

It should be a win for Hillary but it might be a little too late.....according to the pundits....

But remember what they say about Pundits......


Michael Timothy McAlevey

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