Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Today in New Hampshire the second inning of the primary process is taking place and it looks like Barack is gaining ground.

Pundits have been saying that it's hard for Hillary to talk about change with Bill standing right behind her.

It appears that the country is having a problem with the BUSH/CLINTON/BUSH/CLINTON scenario....especially in regards to the "change" campaign that seems to be dominating every candidates platform.

Barack is definitely a "change" candidate and he seems to be invigorating the youth vote. How his message will play with the independents is the real question.

The "MUSLIM" issue is starting to come into play from the groups that oppose him....which is about the only negative idea that can be thrown into play at this time.

Its obviously an important issue and one that needs to be addressed soon.

It just doesn't seem like Hillary has the "talent" to overcome her obstacles. She not a forceful speaker and great speeches are needed at this time in history.

John Edwards has the right message but he seems redundant....and most of us question his senserity regarding elimation of lobbyist. I love his point about ending poverty in America but most of those people don't vote.

On the Republican side it appears that John McCain has staged a dramatic comeback and the more we see and hear Mitt speak the more we don't seem to trust him. He might be too slick.

Rudy will do well in Florida and California but it might not be enough. The three marriage dealio is just too much for the American voter....even though one of the marriages was annulled, it still shows a certain lack of loyalty.

Fred Thompson seems to be in the race to promote his TV show and nobody seems to take him seriously.

Mike Huckabee will go as far as the Evangelical Christians can take him but that probably isn't a destination that ends up at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. It might get him his own evangelist TV station or radio show but not the White House.

Ron Paul has a unique message but it falls into the Ross Perot/ Ralph Nader category and there just aren't enough people who believe that his ideas are workable. He makes a lot of sense when he talks about fiscal responsibility but the money printing system of America just doesn't seem to care about deficits or balanced budgets.

Balancing the budget and environmental issues are taking a back seat.

It's a back seat that will end up driving the bus, but by then the bus will be careening off the road.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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