I have no problem with tears being shed by any woman and if that woman is running for President of the United States all I can say is......what took so long?
If she changes her hairstyle and starts wearing dresses then I would say she has finally got the message.
There is one fundamental difference between Hillary and all the other candidates and it is either a strength or a weakness. And thus the internal structure of our male dominated society comes into play as we, both men and women, decide whether or not a woman can handle a job that has never even remotely been occupied by anything other than a macho man.
Perhaps macho man is an exaggeration in terms of a Jimmy Carter or perhaps Grover Cleveland and maybe Millard Fillmore, but I think you get my point.
Is the American voting public able to wrap their brains around a 230 year rejection of woman?
Suffice to say since they weren't able to vote until 1920 I doubt very much whether they even were able to run for the highest political jobs in the land. So one has to understand that it hasn't even been 100 years since woman were regarded, by the male dominated society, as even having a position or a conviction on political matters.
I'm not sure enough time has elapsed.
I will say that I personally think Hillary can do the job and I've said all along that her nearest advisor is an obvious asset.
I have not made up my mind as far as who I will vote for in the February primary. I'm looking for the candidate that can win the Novemeber election and I still lean toward John Edwards as being the most electable of the major three Democrats.
Obviously Barack has the best gift of gab and I would think his speeches over the next six months will rival anything delivered since the Kennedy boys.
And just because he lost New Hampshire by a few percentage points doesn't mean he's on his way down. On the contrary....I think he's rising faster than anyone.
Hillary needed New Hampshire or she was in big trouble. The fact that she shed a few tears in reference to people not getting her message, and the other "boys" picking on her, is not a negative thing.
She's a chick and chick's cry.
Hell I'm not a chick and I cry from time to time.....but all it does is make people nervous because I'm a dude.
A chick starts crying and someone's in trouble because someone caused her to cry.
In this case it turns out to be a good thing for about 10,000 people who happened to see the female side of her nature. She does have a male side and a female side, as do we all, but the female side seemed to be buried because of her playing a man's game.
Can this country accept that being President of the United States is not just a man's game?
I'm not sure
neither are
So we leave the second inning with John McCain and Hillary Clinton feeling victorious and we move to the third inning in South Carolina. After the third inning things really heat up and the fourth and fifth innings are really long and widespread innings.
South Carolina seems to be the state that will either bring John Edwards back into prominence or possibly send him back to the hair stylist. It's his home state and if he can't win that, then I would say he needs to be working for another VP nomination.
John Edwards seems like the perfect Vice-President.
Hillary seems more like the Secretary of Education
Al Gore seems like the head of the Department of Energy
Bill Clinton seems like the Secretary of Commerce
John McCain seems like Secretary of Defense
Joe Biden seems like the Secretary of State
Bill Richardson seems like he should have his own variety show
Mitt Romney needs to just keeping making money
Rudy Giuliani needs to be in charge of Homeland Security
Ron Paul seems to be a guy that wants to be the conscience of the country and perhaps a new position could be formed....Secretary General of Philosophical Direction
and that only leaves Barack without a job.....oh yeah, there is that one big job that everybody wants.......
He's got the inside track and it's his for the asking.
On to South Carolina
Michael Timothy McAlevey
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