Monday, January 14, 2008


"Psssh....hey.....I think he's a black man."
" can you tell?"
"Because yesterday his people starting saying that I was downgrading Martin Luther King's role in the civil rights movement.....and I'm pretty sure the only person who could say that type of thing would have to be a black man."
"Well honey, he's only 50% maybe it was his wife or Oprah."
"Oh yeah....the real forces behind him.....what am I going to do?"
"Actually sweetheart you should start talking about John F. Kennedy because really the Civil Rights legislation started with his commitment in June of 1963....and in all actual realities the truth is that Civil Rights leaders needed a President to get the ball rolling."
"That's what I said."
" said LBJ was the President and just because he signed it into law has nothing to do with getting the ball rolling....start talking a lot about JFK and this will all blow over."
"Oh, thank you are so smart."
"And cute....don't forget cute."
"ok....and cute."
MIchael Timothy McAlevey

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