I plan on using the word Democracy quite a few times in this article......IT seems to be the enemy of some major dickheads on this planet.....
Democracy took a large hit today when BENAZIR BHUTTO was assassinated as she finished giving a speech in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Again I'm not sure how any of this is connected with the Tatiana /Elvis experience in San Francisco and China but I am fairly certain that you will "feel" the connection with Bhutto's absence from the upcoming elections....as reports by AP start to trickle in.
The death of the charismatic 54-year-old former prime minister threw the campaign for the Jan. 8 parliamentary elections into chaos and created fears of mass protests and violence across the nuclear-armed nation, an important U.S. ally in the war on terrorism.
Any blow right now to the fragile environment of Pakistan will send ripples throughout the world and especially ripples that have democratic overtones. We (all lovers of working democratic processes) are trying to separate the military machinery from the political machinery in Pakistan and nobody is exactly clear on how Pervez Musharraf is dealing with his recent surrender of the military part of his machine.
It appeared that he was in an acceptance mode, but the tragic events of today could turn the tables on that development.
Democracy seems to be the target and when Democracy takes a hit.....it hurts every individual who believes in religious and political freedom...and when individuals are hurt then the sociological group where they practice that Democracy....starts to feel the pain on a larger scale.
What the enemies of Democracy don't understand is the "core" of what makes Democracy an energetic and generally wonderful experience.
And I realize that wonderful might be a strange reference point to the concept of Democracy but that's the rub.
How wonderful do individuals feel in countries where Democracy is not the applied political process?
I realize this is an oversimplification but I think when one looks around the world and truly thinks and sees with an open heart and an open mind....that wonderful things seem to happen in places where people are free to express themselves and thus create more wonderful moments....then they understand this point of things being "wonderful."
It's a snowball kind of dealio.....it just starts with a small awareness and before you know it, it's turned into a huge rolling mass of mental and physical accomplishments.
It takes time for Democracy to develop it's footing and even in our country we are still wondering exactly how it works after 200 years of development.
We know what doesn't work in the world
Do you have to be reminded?
One of the things that doesn't work in the world, is striking down pillars of democracy that are voices for freedom.
All it does is upset the democratic process and piss that very process off to a point where response is not pleasant.
That's part of what Democracy likes to do.......it likes to kick ass.
And when kicking ass is a viable option....Democracy has proven that it can be highly involved in not only kicking ass....but mopping up after the ass kicking.
Which might be the single greatest thing about Democracy
Democracy can totally destroy...... but it always helps rebuild
You truly don't want to piss off Democracy......and I think today's action in Pakistan is one of those things that just gets HER really upset. And when the Tiger is rilled then history has shown HER to be a very formidable opponent..
The enemies of Democracy might be intent on having their environments destroyed because of the rebuilding process.
It's a hard argument to offset when one looks at places like Japan and Germany.
In fact, if I was an asshole tyrant from some backwater uneducated country I would do everything in my power to have Democracy kick my ass so that the rebuilding could get freakin started as soon as possible.
I just wish that BENAZIR BHUTTO did not have to stop physically breathing to help with that process.....but remember what the lesson was from Christmas day.
And again I'm not sure about what happens when a Tiger goes nuts...but I do know that I feel extremely bad about the TIGRESS named
but her life will be remembered and honored by millions and millions of people who love freedom and who understand that Democracy cannot be destroyed by eliminating any individual....
Democracy exists so that individuals can make decisions regarding the principles and practices of their lives.
But Democracy cannot be destroyed individually....AND the enemies of Democracy just don't get it.
I salute BENAZIR BHUTTO and her obvious courage in fighting for the very principles that we in America simply know as our way of life.
I don't think we take it for granted.
I think there is mood running through this country that perhaps political processes are processes that need to unfold within the framework of each and every country......on it's own time table... in it's own way.....and supplying money and technology should truly be enough to help anybody who wants to help themselves.
A hole was ripped in the democratic process today but it's a hole that can be filled.
My respect and condolences go out to the family of BENAZIR BHUTTO which turns out to be every freedom loving individual on the entire planet.
Michael Timothy McAlevey
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