Saturday, March 3, 2007


Natalie, Martie and Emily…
I just watched SHUT UP AND SING and now I’m even more impressed than I was before and I was really impressed before. One thing that seems to be overlooked is their band and the Chicks individual musical talents…..smoking hot. But the most revealing thing about the Dixie Chicks is the simple fact that they are just cool and nice….”chicks.” They are extremely family orientated and they really, really like each other….and that’s so refreshing in this day and age of internal squabbles and petty jealousies within musical groups.
I’d like to see Rascal Flats and the Dixie Chicks make a movie together. I think both groups go way beyond Country/Western….and in many ways cross into their own new genre. Of course their roots are CW but they have gone way beyond that horse collar. Especially the "Chicks".......

It's so refreshing to know that we, The United States, have decided to create a new Nuclear Bomb to replace the ones that apparently are getting too old to use.

NUCLEAR ANYTHING GETTING OLD IS RATHER SILLY.....considering we can't even control the life expectancy of the waste......what's the chance of actual main material getting old?

Perhaps the trigger systems might need reworking but the actual warheads? 250,000 years of radioactivity seems to be what I recall from the days of Martin Sheen being chained to the fences in Nevada....maybe it's time to get the chains oiled up and brought out of storage.

I sure hope this isn't being done just to further the feud with the Dixie Chicks....I do know how vindictive politicians can be but this seems a tad bit extreme.

At least the Military and the Energy Department choose a facility( Lawrence of Livermore) that doesn't need to do any underground testing....which we haven't done since Clinton called a halt in 1991.

What do you think the conversations are like this morning in Iran and North Korea, regarding this matter? The world comes down to business so you know there are some wacky aggressive salesmen, from those two countries, trying to figure out how to acquire the old Nuclear throwaways....."we will trade you some ancient artifacts, very nice quality from around 600 a.d.... from Northern Iran for two warheads.......what do you say Satan people?" And we will throw in some very nice hand-made"

Just thinking about insane people sends me off into the realm of....huh and duh!

And then this week I learned that only 12% of the work force in America belongs to a UNION. In 1950 it was 55%. There has been some major union busting going on and it seemed to have happened very quietly.

The only Unions that seem to make the news are ENTERTAINMENT UNIONS AND SPORTS UNIONS.....and the members together, of those two groups, can't add up to more than 75,000 people. Remember there are only 800 in Major League put all the teams together and then add all the Movie and Television people and unions now seem to be designated for the very elite members of society. I might be way off base here but it seems that Unions were formed to help the very non-elite members of society......the worker bee.

Legislation was introduced last week to make it easier to start a union. Might be too little too late. United Auto Workers and Teamster pension plans....must be a tiny pittance compared to the early 50's....and maybe that's why we don't seem to have characters like Hoffa involved in Union activity......the dickhead type personality has moved on to greener for instance....the movie business.....or the radio business.....or sports management.

The stock market became a player this week in people's life's for the first time in about six long as everything goes slowly up there is no problem and the market is just another method of investment....only when we have a week like this last one, does it really get the attention.

I think Kramer is the coolest guy in the market ( Buffet doesn't count because we don't get to hear him speak on a daily basis).....and he's either eating right and exercising, or he's got a problem. I'm sure his new look is based on ego and wanting to look trimmer...but he was a porko a few years ago. Usually as people acquire more wealth their weight goes up. I hope his weight reduction doesn't have anything to do with his portfolio.

I highly recommend renting SHUT UP AND SING....and writing a letter about new Nuclear weapons....and join a union, perferably a major league baseball union....and last but not least.....when Microsoft hits 23....BUY BUY BUY.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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