Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Supreme Reality

It doesn't seem to be discussed very often among the political pundits.....especially the media pundits...but without a doubt the most important aspect of winning a Presidential Election, is the possible appointment of Judges on the Supreme Court.
One can say whatever they want about who controls the House and the Senate....but the final say in all legal matters comes down to the nine judges who sit on the Supreme Court....and if a President is lucky during his term....he can select two and sometimes three judges.....
If extremely lucky a President can select the Chief Justice....of which there have only been 17 since the beginning.
The last four Chief Justices have been appointed by Republicans.
Franklin Roosevelt appointed eight during his elongated term in office. Eisenhower got four during the fun 50's.
The Left vs. The Right, when talking about the Supreme Court, is the only game in town. In my mind a Supreme Court Judge is suppose to be a centrist......one shouldn't be able to figure out a Judge's political leaning, but that obviously is not the case.
Apparently, after the centrist Sandra Day O'Conner retired....the new Bush appointed Judge Samuel Alito, who leans to the right, has leaned so far to that right that he has strengthen Antonin Scalia's position as the leader of the leaning right.
We are leaning.......and during this current lean major rulings will be handed down, by the end of June, regarding......
Abortion Rights
Campaign Finance
When Conservatives start getting excited about Supreme Court rulings.....I get very very nervous.
And apparently they have very good reasons for being excited.
Today marks the beginning of their work year. February 20th! Not their work week but work year......
To be honest I'm not sure what their work schedule is like......and I can rest assured in the fact that I do not stand alone, in that lack of knowledge.
I'm also fairly confident that the Supreme Court won't address the COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER.
When dealing with RACE, RELIGION, ABORTION RIGHTS and CAMPAIGN FINANCE.......why would the issue of DECREASED POLLINATION be of concern to the highest court in the land?
Issues dealing with Race, Religion, Abortion Rights and Campaign Finance will appear to be very tiny if Pollination Collapse becomes a reality.
I realize that this is the fourth consecutive day that I've brought up COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER....but it still appears to be the leader of issues that should be addressed....and it appears to be an issue that gets very little press.
Maybe I'll write Antonin Scalia a letter......I wonder how much mail Supreme Court Justices receive from the American public? My guess would be that they receive less mail than any branch of the government.
I keep wondering how the checks and balances issue works with a Supreme Court decision. When a ruling is issued....that seems to be the end of it.......no one can change their rulings so that pretty much eliminates the checks and balances.
The only answer is electing a President who might get lucky enough to appoint more than one Justice.
And like I said before, Franklin Roosevelt got eight.....wow.
What a lucky son of a bitch he was.
Which by the way....since yesterday was President's Day.....I ask the following.....
I will tell you that Lincoln was the best writer. He could have been Ralph Waldo Emerson or Walt Whitman if he hadn't been needed in politics. (Lincoln, by the way, got five Judges during his term....four Associates and one Chief Justice.) I base the writing opinion on the fact that speech writers were probably not abundant during Abe's time.
How funny would it be to find out that every famous Lincoln speech and quote was actually penned by.....Fred Berkowitz...a young assistant in the Lincoln law firm.
I guess stranger things have been discovered in the annuals of United States political life.....but that would have to be quite high on the list.
Abe Lincoln seems to have been a master of his own destiny. I wonder which President started using speech writers? Perhaps they all did and Lincoln was the exception.
He sure has some great quotes.
In fact reading Abe Lincoln is like reading Shakespeare......at first I'm not exactly sure what he means and then the more I read.....the clearer it gets....and then wham.....it becomes a wow.
Try it out......Google Lincoln Quotes and have an interesting read.....the only problem I have with his work is that he failed to mention.....
I'll try to personally make up for the lack of insight on his part....regarding this important issue.
I'll need to see some front page coverage of this issue before I stop writing about it.....
BEElieve me....again.
Michael Timothy McAlevey

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