Sunday, February 18, 2007

Stop her now....weekend rapup

The Swift-Boat Veterans for Truth are back.....disguised this time as...

StopHerNow.COM and StopHillaryPAC.COM

And they are getting an early start because she poses a definite threat. A former advisor to Bill Clinton, Dick Morris, is putting together a film that will attempt to show her foibles and follies. I wonder how much of the film will be devoted towards Billy.

I've been waiting for the backlash to start because one thing to keep in the past the texture and undercurrent of Hillary consisted of two camps....



and over the last three weeks there's been a lot of camp one and none of camp two.....but that is about to change.

I really want to see what negative things are said about will be interesting if the complaints are that she is a strong bitchy woman.....because that might be exactly what it takes to reach the next level of political life.....especially for a woman.

She will have to be everything that a mom is.....loving, compassionate, understanding, knowledgeable, forgiving and able to make a great breakfast.

Maybe I'm a little mixed up....I guess I'm thinking of June Cleaver and Harriet Nelson.....

To be honest all I know about Hillary is that she seems to be extremely loyal and in this day and age that has to stand for something.

I hope she brings up COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER during the campaign. But then again I hope anybody brings it up....but most likely it won't be an issue until it's much much too late.

I'm not sure this is related but in a strange way it might be.....and besides this is Mind Jazz.

I'm listening to an audio tape....AMERICAN GOTHIC....about the Booth family and the assassination of Abe Lincoln. Do you realize if something like that was paralleled in today's society the shooter would be............Charlie Sheen.

How weird that John Wilkes Booth's father was regarded as the greatest actor of his time and JWBooth was regarded as the handsomest actor on the stage.

Those actors are too wacky.....and at the time the backlash on actors was fact it probably wasn't until Ronald Reagan that the veil of contempt was finally lifted. I think I can safely say that John Wilkes Booth, in the long run, added to the mystique of the profession.

The fact that Lincoln only got to celebrate the end of the war for five days and that he was shot on Good Friday and that he offically died the next morning at 7:22 am and that he rose from the dead on Easter Sunday......all of those facts are amazing. Talk about a man for the moment.

Christ....who was that guy?

Oh by the way...did you read about Brittney's hair shaving yesterday? I'm thinking she probably hasn't done a lot of reading lately......or maybe she's related to John Wilkes Booth and she's just simply going bonkers.....I hope she doesn't try to shoot the President.

on second thought....

That becomes a much more interesting story that Charlie Sheen.

And by the way.....the people in the news who compare Anna Nicole Smith to Marylin Monroe are unequivocally higher than a kite.....and proves that cocaine is still a factor in Hollywierd.

John Steinbeck wrote a book called CUP of GOLD.....about a 17th Century would be PIRATE.
He didn't like the book and he didn't like the cover. Today the book is being auctioned and estimates of the final bid are between $20,000 and $30,000. Of course the auction people aren't taking into consideration that Johnny Depp wants the book and will pay up to $75,000,000 to own it...(one half of his take from Pirates of the Caribbean).

Show business......what a wacky world those people weave. And to think that John Wilkes Booth started the trend of being extremely wacky. I know one other thing he did......he ended a family tradition of show business.....I can't find any other information on any other Booth's except of course Shirley and she claims that he was no relation.......which of course is something I'd probably say if my last name was Booth.

What seems to be positive about the American Gothic story is that I am being reacquainted with Lincoln's ability to write great speeches. I say reacquainted because I must have studied them from time to time....but reading a few of the less important one's, really reinforces what a great writer he was.....and having a team of speech writers wasn't the mode of the he was the man.

Talk about a War President. God wouldn't even let him have a week to enjoy peace...."Get your butt up here Abe....we need you in Heaven....good writers are very hard to find.....especially ones who get to the point and don't bring up silly things like Brittney shaving her hair."

I hope Brittney doesn't announce that she's supporting Hillary......that could be a problem.....a bigger problem than those StopHillaryNow wacko's.....

Did I say wacko's? Perhaps I'm jumping the gun.......but my thoughts are currently with John Wilkes Booth so maybe that explains the momentary insanity.

I'll try to focus more on Abe and less on John but that show biz thing really does dominate the news.

I'm still much more concerned about COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER.

Have a nice Sunday......and try not to think about millions of Bee's dying......just try! Maybe it will help to think about Brittney going insane.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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