Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A Fish Story

December 14, 2006

Today’s LA TIMES lead story shows McCain beating Clinton 50 to 36 percent. The poll was conducted by LATIMES/BLOOMBERG and consisted of 1,489 people, nationally. I was going to devote some time to this poll but on page A5 a story caught my eye…a story that probably is more important than a poll regarding an election TWO YEARS from now.
Hopefully it’s more important, but then again depending on the readers it might not even be a story. Republicans reading this won’t even get past the headline….
Yangtze dolphin extinct, experts say
I’ve been asking this teaser question for years…..”What’s the smallest political organization in the world?” Usually after a blank stare and no answer, I give the answer.
“The smallest political organization in the world is the RSW….REPUBLICANS TO SAVE THE WHALES. It has an office in Washington with one guy waiting 30 years for the first phone call.”
So again I say goodbye to the Republican readers and go forward with my story.

(Article by Mitchell Landsburg)
Beijing- “After a fruitless six-week expedition up and down the Yangtze River, an international team of scientists concluded Wednesday that the baiji, a freshwater dolphin that was one of world’s oldest species, is almost certainly extinct.”

Later in the story Mr. Landsburg tells us….”The baiji, a beloved creature known as ‘the goddess of the Yangtze,’ was believed to date back 20 million years and was once a common sight as it cavorted in the river.”

Now let’s assume that some of the readers, still reading, are part of the Religious Right or strict followers of the Bible.
Say goodbye to them because everything was only created 10,000 years ago…so the 20 million number just doesn’t make any rational sense….and yes I did use the word rational.
So, now imagine that there are a small handful of readers left…of which you are one.
I want you to wonder about one simple thing……
Even though the Yangtze River is “the longest river in Asia, third-longest in the world, and a vital source of water and electricity,” there are 400 MILLION people using its resources. Keep in mind that people not living near the river probably purchase, on a regular basis, the daily catches of fisherman who work the river. There are approximately 1.6 billion people in China…and I’m pretty sure that things which swim in the water are high on the list of regular staples, in the diets, of MANY of those 1.6 billion people.

I can’t entirely blame the Chinese population for this demise…after all, dolphins have been rumored to be quite intelligent…and if that’s true….then what the hell were they thinking?
First entering into freshwater…and then second, picking the Yangtze River? Come on….they had to know this was going to be a losing proposition. So knowing how intelligent dolphins are supposed to be…I’m theorizing this was a unique suicide mission, planned over the last million years, by the dolphins…to protest the overpopulation of mankind. The dolphins drew reeds and some obscure clan was designated to enter the Yangtze River and convert to freshwater, and then slowly allow themselves to be consumed so that this information could get dolphin extinction into the headlines.
Sometimes sacrifices have to be made, by a few for the greater good of the whole. And once again the female becomes the scapegoat. “The Goddess of the Yangtze,” was sacrificed and once again the patriarchal caste system rears its ugly head. I bet when the reeds were drawn there was some shenanigans taking place behind the scenes by the bad ass male dolphin clan from Nova Scotia.
And that somehow brings me back to the poll showing Hilary losing to McCain. The poll does show her beating Mitt Romney 42 to 36 percent. Before you get too excited about that fact, keep in mind that 65 percent of the people in the poll don’t know anything about Mitt.
Mitt is the son of Bat and Ball Romney…I wish! Imagine if the entire family were baseball freaks and all their names applied to the sport…now that would be a fun election to cover….but in reality, he’s a Mormon whose father ran for President in 1968, and whose main claim to fame is being able to organize an Olympic event…which isn’t a bad thing, but Peter Ueberroth and Mitt should have their own election.
My California guy could kick the crap out of your Utah guy. Yeah, I know he’s from Massachusetts, but if you think Kennedy was tied to Rome, when he ran for President…what’s the ramifications of Mitt’s ties to the golden ball in Salt Lake City? So saying Hilary can beat Mitt Romney means absolutely nothing….Jerry Brown could beat Mitt Romney…and come to think of it…JERRY….JERRY….JERRY. He’s become so mature and now he’s married and….let’s get that ball rolling!
One of the interesting omissions in the poll is the absence of Howard Dean’s name. I can’t believe that he’s not even mentioned….when names like Christopher Dodd, Tom Vilsack…make the list. Howard Dean has probably been one of the most important figures in the resurgence of the Democratic Party.
He must not have a good publicity agent…someone who could spin that famous “DEAN OUTBURST” into a positive political moment…or…maybe he’s told someone that he’s not interested. I probably missed that story. Keep one thing in mind…before that infamous DEAN OUTBURST; he was the leading candidate in the Democratic Party.
That moment turned the tide for Kerry and the rest is history. I’ve seen some great recoveries from politicians who appeared….finished…just like I’ve seen some amazing recoveries for animal species that were regarded as almost extinct…once human beings determined that their existence was important….but don’t call the RSW.

Tomorrow I’ll dissect the other part of the poll that shows who people would NOT VOTE for, depending on their RACE, GENDER, AGE OR RELIGION….but its lunch time and I’ve got to go have some freshwater dolphin sushi just imported from some strange sounding company.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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